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Bangs, my general superintendent, and of my son, Robert A. Pinkerton, who resolved to succeed in the undertaking if success were possible. The details of our proposed line of action were submitted to the German Consul-General and to the State's attorney, Mr. Olmstead.

Olmstead, has treated the slope." There was something humorous, and a little pathetic in the contrasted figures of the Vicomte and their hostess crossing the lawn in front of them. Mr. Spence paused a moment to light his cigarette, and he seemed to derive infinite pleasure from this juxtaposition. "Got left, didn't he?" he said. To this observation there was, obviously, no answer.

"But, Mr. Garth, in spite of her discouraging remarks, I think we could find" "Oh, thank you, Miss Olmstead I have been to tea; just left the table, in fact, and am on my way back to the museum, so dropped in here. Has anybody noticed the sunset to-night?"

Olmstead, in his "Cotton Kingdom," says he visited a plantation in Mississippi, where one of the negroes had, with the full permission of his master, taught all his fellows how to read. An examination of the influence of slavery upon the poorer whites shows that two-thirds of the white population suffered hardly less than did the coloured people.

Silas Miller, Local Preacher, Francis M. McCarty, Isaac Crofoot, Joseph Stowe, Charles Olmstead, D.C. Brooks, Cornelius Davis, and myself. The population of Fond du Lac proper, at the time of our first visit, was very small. It contained seven buildings and numbered only five families, including the family of the Presiding Elder.

The Boston association raised $1,100 for the campaigns in Oregon, Kansas, Wisconsin and Michigan and gave Mrs. Park's services to Ohio and Michigan. A Men's League for Woman Suffrage was organized at Harvard University under the presidency of A. S. Olmstead. At the meeting of the New England Association Miss Blackwell was elected president. Mrs. Howe had held the office twenty-six years.

"A detail of two companies of the Twelfth Cavalry, under the command of Captain Singer, is ordered to Ash Fork, and will start within an hour, arriving at five o'clock. C.D. OLMSTEAD, Adjutant." "That won't do, Gordon," cried Mr. Cullen. "The mandamus will be here before that." "Oh, don't say there is something more wrong!" sighed Madge.

"Tell me the truth!" she commanded, almost fiercely. He turned upon Molly with sudden anger. "Have you been tattling? I'll bet you have!" "No, but I told Sara; you didn't tell me not to." "Lots of good 'twould have done, if I had! You never kept a thing in your life never!" "Did, too, Morton Olmstead!" her pout melting swiftly into a mischievous smile. "Well, what, I'd like to know?"

Olmstead, has treated the slope." There was something humorous, and a little pathetic in the contrasted figures of the Vicomte and their hostess crossing the lawn in front of them. Mr. Spence paused a moment to light his cigarette, and he seemed to derive infinite pleasure from this juxtaposition. "Got left, didn't he?" he said. To this observation there was, obviously, no answer.

Five tablespoons of grated cheese, one of flour, one of butter, one egg, one-half cup of cream, salt and pepper; put over the fire and stir until the cheese is dissolved. Boil one-fourth package of macaroni in suited water about fifteen minutes, drain, cover with milk and boil again. Stir all together and bake until brown. From MRS. CHARLES H. OLMSTEAD, of Georgia, Lady Manager.