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And now, says he, 'bekase you wor so heavy-headed, I ordher it from this out, that the present night is to be obsarved in the Catholic church all over the world, an' must be kept holy; an' no thrue Catholic ever will miss from this pariod an opportunity of bein' awake at midnight, says he, 'glory be to God! An' now, good Christians, you have an account o' the blessed Carol I was singin' for yez.

"I took a good aim," said he, "restin' acrost a stump, but the stump was oneasy like; an' then I blazed away, an' when I obsarved the moose sprawlin', I was twenty feet up a tree, with my gun in the snow; an' if they don't find me settin' on the parson's chimbly about nine o'clock to-morrer mornin', it won't be on account o' my not bein' skeered." But the wedding morning had arrived.

'Be yees sufferin' to a great extent? inquired the kind-hearted Irishman, looking at the white face of the silent hunter. 'Got a purty good whack over the back, he replied, between his compressed lips, as he forced back all expression of pain. ''Ye'll be aisier when we fotch ye to the land, as me uncle obsarved whin he hauled the big fish ashore that was thrashing his line to pieces jist.

He couldn't help, in spite av himself, lookin' now an' thin at the picthur, an' he immediately obsarved that the eyes av it was follyin' him about, an' starin' at him, an' winkin' at him, wheriver he wint. "Oh," says he, when he seen that, "it's a poor chance I have," says he; "an' bad luck was with me the day I kem into this unforthunate place," says he.

"That," replied Tim, "marks the grave of some poor chap that died on his way to the Klondike. Do ye obsarve that cairn of stones a bit beyont?" Each saw it. "That marks anither grave; and ye may call to mind that we obsarved more of the same along Lake Lindeman." Such was the fact, though this was the first reference to them.

But in the Spring of 18 , I got swampt in the exterior of New York State, one dark and stormy night, when the winds Blue pityusly, and I was forced to tie up with the Shakers. I was toilin threw the mud, when in the dim vister of the futer I obsarved the gleams of a taller candle. Tiein a hornet's nest to my off hoss's tail to kinder encourage him, I soon reached the place.

Fred, as may be supposed, was alarmed, and starting half to his feet, glanced nervously around. He saw nothing. "What's the matter?" he asked in an undertone, as he also laid his hand upon his weapon. "Whin I was lookin' at ye," said Terry in a husky whisper, "I obsarved one of the spalpeens standin' right behind ye and close enough to touch ye with his hand.

But, indeed, Jack was always obsarved to have a dacent ginteel turn with him; for he'd scorn to see a bad gown on his mother, or a broken Sunday coat on himself; and instead of drinking his little earning in a shebeen-house, and then eating his praties dry, he'd take care to have something to kitchen* them; so that he was not only snug and dacent of a Sunday, regarding wearables, but so well-fed and rosy, that a point of a rush would take a drop of blood out of his cheek.

They do say it was a sight to see the start he gave! "He jump up as smart a'most as if he'd bin in the open air, an' they obsarved, when he turned round, that a huge lobster of some unbeknown species was holdin' on to his trousers with all its claws like a limpet!

The trappers smiled and took out their pipes, having now learned from experience that smoking was not detrimental to a sketch rather the reverse. "Cut away, Gibault," said Bounce, "an' take a look at the edge o' yon bluff o' poplars and willows. I've obsarved that prairie-hens is fond o' sich places.