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The air was really terrible; nobody ventured out of doors who could stay in the house. The smoke was white and dense, like steam; the wind was a blast from the Norseman's hell, and the touch of it on your face almost made you scream. Nothing can be more severe flaying, branding with a hot iron, cutting with a dull knife, &c., may be something like it, but no worse.

The old folks, of course, had to remain behind; and when the children were gone, what was there left for them but to lie down and die? America was to them as distant as if it were on another planet. The family feeling, too, has ever been strong in the Norseman's breast; he lives for his children, and seems to live his life over again in them.

It was plain from the expression on the Norseman's face that his soul was rejoiced at the discovery, and he strode forward at such a pace that the boy was fain to call a halt. "Thinkest thou that my legs are as long as thine?" he said, stopping and panting. Glumm laughed; and the laugh was loud and strong.

The shadow of thunder upon a life that was opening it was an ill omen, and its gloom sank into the hearts of the wedding guests. They spoke in undertones and threw pitying glances at the bride. Then at length Syvert Stein lost his patience. "In sooth," cried he, springing up from his seat, "where is to-day the cheer that is wont to abide in the Norseman's breast?

But he remembered that on a time some merchants had come to the coast from a great city in the south called Mikligard which was the Norseman's name for Constantinople, and he guessed that that might be their journey's end. Then Olaf crept nearer to their sleeping companion and wakened him. "Tell me," he asked, "who is this man, our master, and whither is he taking us?"

From all about jewelled stalls and jet peak came a sigh of incredulous horror. Lugur leaped forward. On the instant Larry was over the low barrier between the pillars, rushing to the Norseman's side. And even as they ran there was another wild shout from Olaf, and he hurled himself out, straight at the throat of the Dweller!

The present, it is urged, is a particularly favorable time to establish prosperous small farmers in many parts of the Highlands where sheep-farming has proved a failure. The inhabitants of the coasts and islands are largely a seafaring people. There is quite as much Norse as Celtic blood in the veins of many of them, and the Norseman's love of the sea leads them naturally to fishing or navigation.

The fair bride was once again decked out in the queen-like garments which had formerly filled Sam and Grant with so great surprise and admiration; and Fred, as he had promised, danced at the Norseman's wedding. And not only did Fred dance, but so did his friends ay, and his whole ship's crew.

"Spoken like a scientist, Doc!" he exclaimed. "I suppose if a burning angel struck you out of nowhere and threw itself about you, you would most dignifiedly tell it you didn't want to be burned. For God's sake, don't talk nonsense, Goodwin!" he ended, almost peevishly. "Evil! Evil!" The Norseman's voice was deep, nearly a chant. "All here is of evil: Trolldom and Helvede it is, Ja!

Upon the Norseman's face there was no hint of comprehension, and at that moment I formed an entirely new opinion of Olaf's intelligence; for certainly it must have been a prodigious effort of the will, indeed, that enabled him, understanding, to control himself. "What does she say?" he asked. Larry repeated. "Good!" said Olaf. "Good!" He looked at Yolara with well-assumed gratitude.