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"Yes; it seems to me I have heard something that sounded a good deal like that before," was the noncommittal rejoinder. "You have heard the simple truth, then. And it is a bald injustice, not only to the railroad company, but to the people it serves. We can't give adequate service when the cost exceeds the earnings. That is the simplest possible proposition in any business undertaking."

Carter signed it wrathfully, and she tendered it to Douglass with a smile. "There! Now you are square with the world," she said, facetiously, but her lips were tremulous with anxiety; he had been so distressingly noncommittal as to that resignation! "Not exactly with the whole world!" he said, grimly.

Of course, the loss of this water that he fancied he had hits him where it hurts, but from what I can gather Mr. Menocal isn't a man to resort to illegal methods. He's wily, that's about all. So that's the situation." The banker regarded Bryant for a time with a noncommittal face. "State your proposition now," said he. "This is it," Bryant went on.

Transfixed, he stared down, and gulped with horror, shaken by a sensation little short of nausea, as he recognised in the object a bar of yellow metal studded with winking brilliants of considerable size the brooch described by Shaynon. With a noncommittal grunt, the detective stooped and retrieved this damning bit of evidence, while the manager moved quickly to his side, to inspect the find.

Gee, it must be great! Don't you think so, Auntie?" Aunt Clarissa's reply was noncommittal. That evening she wrote a letter to Augustus Cabot in Boston. "He is a good boy," she wrote, referring to Galusha, "but queer oh, dreadfully queer. It's his father's queerness cropping out, of course, but it shouldn't be permitted to develop.

Some prisoner, who was permitted to read the paper, told him so. And so, entirely aside from Warden Desmas's recommendation, which was given in a very quiet, noncommittal way, Bonhag was interested to see what he could do for Cowperwood for a price.

As a matter of fact, we don't look forward to any hitting stunts tomorrow, eh, Burns? Burns, here, is our leading hitter, and he's been unusually noncommittal since he heard who was going to pitch for Bellville." "Well, I wouldn't give a whole lot for my prospects of a home run tomorrow," said Burns, with a laugh. Wayne went outside, and found a seat in the shade.

They talked sympathetically about the problems of the poor. And some of them particularly Mrs. Wallis Plimpton were inclined to think Hodder's replies a trifle noncommittal. The trouble, although he did not tell them so, was that he himself had by no means solved the problem. And he felt a certain reluctance to discuss the riddle of poverty over champagne and porcelain. Mrs. Plimpton and Mrs.

Reardon's sole reply to this optimistic prophecy was a noncommittal grunt, accompanied by a slight outthrust and uplift of the chin, a pursing of the lips and the ghost of a sardonic little smile. Only an Irishman can get the right tempo to that grunt and the tempo is everything. In the case of Terence Reardon it said distinctly: "I hope you're right, sir, but privately I have my doubts."

Barney was noncommittal, but then his temperament is of the kind that usually regrets whatever is.