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He could have strangled Zametov at that moment, so hateful were his expression and his silence to him. "In my opinion you talked sensibly and even artfully, but you were extremely irritable," Zametov pronounced dryly. "And Nikodim Fomitch was telling me to-day," put in Porfiry Petrovitch, "that he met you very late last night in the lodging of a man who had been run over."

"But why? what for?" he wondered, reflecting. "If I must drink the cup what difference does it make? The more revolting the better." He imagined for an instant the figure of the "explosive lieutenant," Ilya Petrovitch. Was he actually going to him? Couldn't he go to someone else? To Nikodim Fomitch? Couldn't he turn back and go straight to Nikodim Fomitch's lodgings?

For some reason he could not get the word "Friday" out of his head; he could think of nothing but Friday, and the only thing that was clear to him, not in his brain but somewhere in his heart, was that he would not get off on Saturday. Before him stood Nikodim Alexandritch, very neat, with his hair combed over his temples, saying: "Please take something to eat. . . ."

He caught the sound of eager conversation on his departure, and above the rest rose the questioning voice of Nikodim Fomitch. In the street, his faintness passed off completely. "A search there will be a search at once," he repeated to himself, hurrying home. "The brutes! they suspect." His former terror mastered him completely again. "And what if there has been a search already?

Three days after the picnic, Marya Konstantinovna unexpectedly called on Nadyezhda Fyodorovna, and without greeting her or taking off her hat, seized her by both hands, pressed them to her breast and said in great excitement: "My dear, I am deeply touched and moved: our dear kind-hearted doctor told my Nikodim Alexandritch yesterday that your husband was dead.

He waited for a favourable moment and said to Samoylenko: "Excuse me, Alexandr Daviditch, I must say two words to you." Samoylenko got up, put his arm round Laevsky's waist, and both of them went into Nikodim Alexandritch's study. "To-morrow's Friday," said Laevsky, biting his nails. "Have you got what you promised?" "I've only got two hundred. I'll get the rest to-day or to-morrow.

"I stick to it because if anything God forbid happens to-night... do you hear?... if anything happens to-night, I'll go straight off to-morrow morning to Father Nikodim and tell him all about it. 'Father Nikodim, I shall say, 'graciously excuse me, but she is a witch. 'Why so? 'H'm! do you want to know why? 'Certainly.... And I shall tell him. And woe to you, woman!

But I want us to have my wine, too; I'm taking part in the picnic and I imagine I have full right to contribute my share. I im-ma-gine so! Bring ten bottles of kvarel." "Why so many?" asked Nikodim Alexandritch, in wonder, knowing Kirilin had no money. "Twenty bottles! Thirty!" shouted Kirilin. "Never mind, let him," Atchmianov whispered to Nikodim Alexandritch; "I'll pay."

Koch keeps crossing himself and saying: 'If I had been there, he would have jumped out and killed me with his axe. He is going to have a thanksgiving service ha, ha!" "And no one saw the murderer?" "They might well not see him; the house is a regular Noah's Ark," said the head clerk, who was listening. "It's clear, quite clear," Nikodim Fomitch repeated warmly.

"It's not quite so hot to-day as yesterday?" said Nadyezhda Fyodorovna, shrinking at the coarse touch of the naked cook. "Yesterday I almost died of the heat." "Oh, yes, my dear; I could hardly breathe myself. Would you believe it? I bathed yesterday three times! Just imagine, my dear, three times! Nikodim Alexandritch was quite uneasy."