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Miss Newville asked. "Quite well. You will see him to-morrow at the launching." "Isn't it delightful that they have come in the nick of time?" said Berinthia. "How fortunate! And you are to have such a nice party. I will wear the hood and be the envy of everybody," said Miss Newville, putting it on, praising its beauty, and calling in her mother to make Rachel's acquaintance and admire the gift.

"May I ask why Miss Newville would not have knelt to her future husband and sovereign, had she been Princess Sophia?" the rector asked. "Because it was an acknowledgement at the outset that she was not his equal. She abased herself by taking an inferior position. In the days of chivalry, men knelt to women.

"Do you mean to say that you swallow these monsters?" "We think them fine eating," Mrs. Adams replied. "My lord," said Mr. Dapper, turning to Upperton, "I'm going to try one. I've made my last will and testament. Tell 'em at Almack's, when you get home, that Dapper committed suicide by attempting to swallow an oyster." "I will send Pompey for the coroner," exclaimed Mr. Newville, laughing.

You can stay a couple of weeks and have a good visit." There was a glow upon Rachel's face. It would be her first journey. She would see new things, and make new acquaintances. During the evenings she had been knitting a hood and mittens of the finest wool, and would present them to Miss Newville.

It stirs me to think of it as waving not only in England, but here, in Canada, in South America, and on the banks of the Ganges. Of course, the flag, the crosses upon it, signify suffering, devotion, heroism, bravery. It is these things that warm my blood." "Go on, please, Mr. Walden. I want to hear more," said Miss Newville as he paused.

Ruth brought a pen and ink-horn; General Howe wrote upon the document, and handed it to her. "I cannot go back on my promise to do something for you, Miss Newville, to add to your happiness and Miss Brandon's, and I trust I never shall do anything that will lead you to think I am insensible to the claims of humanity," he said, bowing and taking his departure. Berinthia read what he had written:

At this time of the year, when we are gathering the harvests and the woods are more beautiful than our Queen Charlotte in her coronation robes, I think there is no period of the year so delightful as autumn." "Living in the town." Miss Newville said, "I lose much that I should enjoy in the country. Sometimes I ride with my father to Roxbury, Dorchester, and Cambridge.

I never shall forget, Miss Newville, these days and evenings which you, with Berinthia, Tom, Miss Shrimpton, and Roger Stanley have made so enjoyable." "I trust we shall not be like ships that signal each other in mid-ocean, then sail away never to meet again," she replied. She reached out her hand to bid him farewell. It rested willingly in his.

Brandon, Berinthia, Abraham Duncan, Major Tom Brandon, Rachel Walden; young ladies in the bloom of maidenhood, matronly mothers, fathers resolute of countenance, all rejoicing that the redcoats were gone. Down from the chamber, passing the old clock on the stairs, came Major Robert Walden, in bright, new uniform, and Ruth Newville in satin, white and pure.

"This has been the most enjoyable day of my life," Miss Newville said, as Robert gave her his hand to assist her from the pung. "Good-night, all. Thank you, Mr. Walden, for all your kindness," her parting words.