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Walden?" "No, I have not heard a word since he left us. I should not be surprised, however, if he were to drop in upon us any day, for I have written him that the ship is to be launched soon. Father intends to make it a grand occasion when the Berinthia Brandon glides into the water. I shall have all my friends present, Ruth Newville chief among them."

The ladies serve us with bread and butter, doughnuts, cookies, tarts, gingerbread, and tea. We guess riddles and tell ghost stories." "How delightful!" Miss Newville exclaimed. "A little later than this we have huskings in the barns, seated around a heap of corn. Husking over, we eat pudding, baked beans, mince, apple, and pumpkin pie, and top off with pop-corn, apples, and cider.

"I did not have reference, Miss Newville, to the texture or quality of the cloth, or the arrangement of colors, neither to the devices, the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, but thought of it as a symbol of power. My father fought under it, and it has waved in triumph on many battlefields; but just now it is being used to deprive us of our rights." "Have you ever read the legend of St.

"Was it not rather out of character for a man old enough to be grave and dignified to take such a part?" Miss Newville asked. "Perhaps so, but then we are expected to do absurd things in masquerade. Her grace the Duchess of Richmond, for instance, appeared as the Sultana of Persia, in a costume purchased in the bazaar of Bagdad. The Duchess of Grafton displayed her charms as Cleopatra.

"That is what the Cross of St. George should stand for, Miss Newville, but just now it represents tyranny and oppression. It is a beautiful flag, the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew combined, in red, white, and blue. No other banner symbolizes so much that is precious of what men have done, but the king and his ministers are perverting it. St. George and St.

I did it so well that Lady Lucy Hastings said I was a perfect imp of darkness." "Have you any other recreations?" Miss Newville inquired. "Oh, yes, a great many. One diversion I am sure would charm you, the club at Almack's, in which the ladies nominate gentlemen to membership and gentlemen the ladies.

The brain of Ruth could not keep track of all the branches of the ancestral tree; she could only conclude it was stalwart and strong. Lord Upperton was heartily welcomed by Mrs. Newville, who esteemed it one of heaven's blessings to be thus honored. On an evening, after a visit from his lordship, Mrs. Newville, with radiant face, drew Ruth to her bosom.

"But, Ruth, you cannot always be with us. Your father and I earnestly desire your future welfare and happiness. I am sure he will be surprised and pained to hear that you do not wish to receive the attentions of Lord Upperton." Mr. Newville entered the room. He saw the trouble on the face of his daughter. "What is it?" he asked.

A wail of horror from the people rent the air. "That is mean, cruel, wicked, dastardly!" exclaimed Ruth, with flashing eyes. "It's inhuman. I shall hate the man who has ordered it." Through the previous stages of the conflict no word of approval or disapproval had escaped her lips. "Ruth! Ruth! Don't say that!" Mr. Newville cried, astonished by such an outburst of indignation.

Mrs. Newville being absent, he was graciously received by Ruth. "I had such a delightful time in your hospitable home, Miss Newville, the other evening, that I could no longer refrain from paying my respects." "It is certainly very kind of you, my lord." "I cannot tell you how delighted I was when you told me about your recreations.