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It is part of what he hoped for. Public relations can make people realize you're part of the Empire now, not enemies. The newsies are good for some things, no matter how aggravating they are at times." "Steve brought peace, with all honor; that is the important thing. He has truly earned our title for him." "He has a title beyond 'Lord'?" "We call him 'Peacelord." "Peacelord." Davis nodded.

Perhaps today, or tomorrow perhaps in this car he was entering, perhaps just around the next corner he would see the face. "It will be soon," he would say to himself. "I know it will be soon." The beggars in front of the Imperial building came to know the little clerk and thank him in advance for his alms. The elevator men and the newsies came to watch for him. Mr.

The dots entered New York from the north, passed down Fourth Avenue to the south side of Union Square, turned west and terminated. It was the first time in the records of journalism that the "fudge" device had been used in advertising. Great was the rejoicing of the "newsies" when public curiosity made a "run" upon these papers.

Especially to this degree, or with a subject whose fondness for holodramas would make it just plain fun and even more especially with Dave's parents and the local newsies in attendance. The expression of satisfaction on Dave's face as the convicted rebels were led away made Tarlac want to grin, though he managed to keep his own expression carefully solemn.

The Rangers, long accustomed to network competition, paid little attention to the aggressive mob scene; this was a big story, one of the biggest, and the newsies' behavior was expectable. They didn't mean any harm, but Tarlac sensed a growing concern from the two Traiti males for the First Speaker's safety. Tarlac kept walking, outwardly impassive, as he sent them reassurance.

Then, each flanked by two of the Marines, they moved toward the Palace's immense main entrance. As they neared it, the newsies crowded closer and began clamoring for information, shouting questions, brandishing cameras and microphones.

Hovan looked up. "Yes, Your Majesty?" "Come here, please." Hovan approached the Emperor and bowed. "Sire?" Speaking too quietly for the newsies' mikes to pick up his words, Davis said, "Steve asked me to give you a message after he left. I'll have you brought to my working office when this Audience is over, and give it to you there." He raised his voice to its previous level.

He had hit upon a first page story. A half-hour later every newsboy in the downtown district was shouting himself hoarse, and the words he shouted were these: "All about Johnny Thompson. Johnny Thompson, featherweight champion. Alive! Arrested for conspiracy! Extry!" The theatre crowds were thronging the streets, and the newsies reaped a rich harvest.

"Big duel ... Broderick and Terry!" shrieked the "newsies." Benito stopped the horse and bought a paper, perusing the headlines feverishly. Alice leaned over his shoulder, her face white. Presently Benito faced her. "Terry's forced a fight on Dave," he said huskily. "They're to meet on Monday at the upper end of Lake Merced."

With the help of the striking girls as "newsies" they gathered in the city on one Saturday the handsome sum of $3,345. Another group of very poor Poles sent in regularly about two hundred dollars per week, sometimes the bulk of it in nickels and dimes. A sewing gathering composed of old ladies in one of the suburbs sewed industriously for weeks on quilts and coverings for the strikers.