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Sa parole nette et accentu�e captivait l'auditoire: elle peignait et analysait tout ensemble; une sensibilit� d�licate en augmentait le feu; elle �tait exacte et pr�cise sur toutes sortes de sujets." Schopenhauer died on the 20th September 1860, in his seventy-third year, peacefully, alone as he had lived, but not without warning.

Certainly I haven't made things easier for you, unless you want a situation nette. It's there to your hand if you do want it, and in your place I should. It was a challenge she gave, you know, to you through me. After the other night there was no mistaking it. I should forbid Karen to go on Saturday."

On a certain day, having as usual laid his wallet on the counter, he sat down at my side, and, warming his naked feet on the hot ashes of the fireplace, he made me recite for the hundredth time: "Pucelle sage, nette et fine, Aide des femmes en gesine Ayez pitie de nous."

"Then, she had a short upper lip, and sweet teeth; by Jove, they were pearls! and she showed them too, pretty often. Her figure was well-rounded, plump, and what the French call nette.

He knew why, from the first of his marriage, he had tried with such patience for such conformity; he knew why he had given up so much and bored himself so much; he knew why he, at any rate, had gone in, on the basis of all forms, on the basis of his having, in a manner, sold himself, for a situation nette.

"Those of you who have the talent to do honor to poor, oh how poor womanhood have all given yourselves over to baby-making and left poor brainless me to battle alone. It is a shame. Such a lady as I might be spared to rock cradles, but it is a crime for you and Lucy and Nette." On a separate page she outlined for Mrs. Stanton the points she wanted to make.

In theforenoone thei plante and graffe, digge vp settes, stubbe vp rootes, make their owne armour, or fisshe and foule, with the Angle or nette. Their children are decked with garnishynges of golde. And their chief iuelle is the precious stone Piropus, whiche thei haue in suche price, that it maie come vppon no deade corps.

All my ambitious dreams of being a baro nette are knocked in the head now. He'll never be able to bear the sight of me again." "I don't see that," Edith responded; "if a murder is committed, the world is pretty sure to know of it its something not to be ignored. How deeply he seems to feel it too in spite of his rank and wealth I pity him, Trixy."

Without any further preamble the priest took a seat near the fire by the side of the Capuchin friar. Hearing the good friar reading aloud: "Pucelle sage, nette et fine, Aide des femnies en gesine," he clapped his hands and said: "Oh, the rare bird! The unique man! A Capuchin who is able to read! Eh, little friar, what is your name?" "Friar Ange, an unworthy Capuchin," replied my teacher.

They are all clear and nette, Things observed by such a man dogmatise to the mind, and it is natural that he should dogmatise as to what he sees with such apparent precision and completeness. A recent writer, anonymous, but speaking from a respectable vehicle as platform, has told us that the short story is the highest form into which any expression of the art of fiction can be cast.