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I say, though, I s'pose it's no use to try and coax the doctor with a mossick of anything, is it?" "Oh no, no." "Not a cup o' tea and a bit o' toast?" "Not now, Bob; he's sleeping calmly, and that must be the best thing for him." "Right, sir. It's Natur's finest fizzick, as well I know.

"How now, friend," continued the trapper, addressing the still motionless and entranced naturalist; "how now, friend; are you, who make your livelihood by booking the names and natur's of the beasts of the fields and the fowls of the air, frightened at a herd of scampering buffaloes?

Besides these, were skulls of great size and in good preservation, stone pipes, pouches, and so on; also some enormous teeth and bones of an antediluvian animal, found in the Bras Dor lake in Cape Breton. It was, take it altogether, the most complete collection of relics of this interesting race, the Micmacs, and of natur's products to be found in this province.

"What did he seem to think of it?" "Well, he didn't seem inclined to speak freely. 'Miss Roxy, says he, 'all natur's in the Lord's hands, and there's no saying why he uses this or that; them that's strong enough to go by faith, he lets 'em, but there's no saying what he won't do for the weak ones." "Wa'n't the Cap'n overcome when you told him?" said Mrs. Kittridge.

"Oh you suspicious old fellow!" replied Edgar; "come, you are presuming now. We will change the subject, and go on deck." "Human natur's the same everywhere," observed Baldwin, with a quiet laugh as he rose. "Same with me exactly when I was after Susan. For one glance of her black eye I'd have gone straight off to China or Timbuctoo at half-an-hour's notice. Well, well!

"We're in for a hard winter this season," went on Sergeant Pengelly lugubriously. "A touch o' frost so early in October you may take as one o' Natur's warnings." "Ay," chimed in Gunner Tripconey, shaking his head. "What is man, when all's said an' done? One moment he's gallivantin' about in beauty and majesty, an' the next phut! as you might say."

Why did you venture on an exaggeration that any forward movement of theirs must expose?" "We'll see to that, captain we'll see to that. Field-pieces are desperate dampers to Indian courage, so I thought I'd just let 'em have a six-pounder, by way of tryin' their natur's. They look'd like men goin' to execution, when I told 'em of the cannon, and what a history it had gone through."

"Most things that God created are pretty in their way, my good gal, though they get to be deformed by mankind, so as to change their natur's, as well as their appearance.

"An' our Sennacherib," retorted Isaiah, "is the one as carries Natur's license t' offer the rough side of his tongue to everybody." "I know it's a compliment," said the younger man, "to say I have my uncle's hand, though I never heard my uncle play." "No, lad," said the old man who stood behind his chair. "Thee'rt a finer player than ever I was.

Hain't hit Natur's way fer the puny ter go down afore the strong?" The engineer's eyes opened at the curious sensation this gave him; at the utter astonishment of listening. Then he softly began to laugh. "My friend," he said, "I have raised my hat to one or two colossal freaks in the past, but henceforth I shall come into your exalted presence with bare-headed humilitude.