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You will ask to go to Oloron Sainte Marie, where you can paint! Oloron Sainte Marie, Basse Pyrenees! N'oubliez pas, M'sieu' Jean! Et depechez-vous!" "Merci bien, mon ami!" I remember now. The little Machine-Fixer and I had talked. It seemed that la commission had decided that I was not a criminal, but only a suspect.

I hummed noiselessly: "si vous passez par ma vil-le n'oubliez pas ma maison; on y mang-e de bonne sou-pe Ton Ton Tay-ne; faite de merde et les onions, Ton Ton Tayne Ton Ton Ton,"

Then he would face the crowd again, and repeat his doleful cry: 'De la charité! de la charité! Chrétiens, n'oubliez pas le pauvre estropié! Le bon Dieu vous bénira. After all, why should not a beggar smoke? If tobacco is a blessing, why should a man be debarred from it because his legs are paralyzed, and he is obliged to live on charity?

Thousands overran the Grand Canal, which at its greatest depth was scarcely more than a yard to the bottom, and so, despite of monarchial decree, Republican France still skates on the ornamental waters of Versailles when occasion offers. "N'oubliez pas le petit balayeur, s'il vous plait," was as often heard as "Allez vous-en." On the whole it was rather a picturesque sight.

Cela ne se peut pas; il ne faut pas y penser. La carriere des lettres m'est fermee . . . N'oubliez pas de me dire comment vous vous portez, comment Madame et les enfants se portent. Je compte bientot avoir de vos nouvelles; cette idee me souris, car le souvenir de vos bontes ne s'effacera jamais de ma memoire, et tant que ce souvenir durera, le respect que vous m'avez inspire durera aussi.

He found him seated at his ease, playing dice with two young ladies whose manners were unreserved, and complexion high. Gerard was hurt. "N'oubliez point la Jeanneton!" said he, colouring up. "What of her?" said Denys, gaily rattling the dice. "She said, 'Le peu que sont les femmes." "Oh, did she? And what say you to that, mesdemoiselles?"

C'est si peu de chose, les fames. Serviteur, beaulx sires! Bon voiage; et n'oubliez point la Jeanneton!" "Adieu, petit coeur," said Gerard, and on they marched; but presently looking back they saw the contemner of women in the middle of the road, making them a reverence, and blowing them kisses with little May morning face. "Come on," cried Gerard lustily. "I shall win to Rome yet. Holy St.

I just caught this: "N'oubliez jamais, bien chère Madame, qu'une église a deux portes." Héloise said she would not forget, and he thanked her rapturously; but what it meant I don't know. They have both smiled often since so I expect it is some French idiom for reconciliation. The crowd on the pier was common, and we returned to Frascati's garden.