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But Solon merely cocked one ear, and remained a fixed fact; for long experience had induced the philosophic beast to take for his motto the Yankee maxim, "Be sure you're right, then go ahead! He knew things were not right; therefore he did not go ahead. "Oh, by the way, girls, don't forget to pay Tommy Mullein for bringing up the cow: he expects it to-night.

For a few minutes he occupied himself in reading the motto cut over the entrance, Secretum meum mihi et filiis domus meae, and in trying to recollect the source of it. Then he became impatient and considered the possibility of scaling the wall. This was clearly not worth while; it might have been done if he had been wearing an older suit: or could the padlock a very old one be forced?

Now if you will stop over a day we will have the whole city out to see your boat." This kind offer I firmly refused, and we were about to part, when he said in a softly rebuking manner: "You thought, Mr. Bishop, you would give us the slip did you not? I assure you that would be quite impossible. Eternal Vigilance is our motto. No, you could not escape us.

This said Most High, still busy with the congress of the time, threw to him through Mercury an inkstand with two cups, on which was engraved, after the manner of a motto, these three letters, Ave. Then the poor fellow, perceiving no other help, took great care to turn over this said inkstand to find out the hidden meaning of it, thinking over the mysterious words and trying to find a key to them.

The remnants of an old prophecy, or song, or rhyme of some kind or other, return to my recollection on hearing that motto; stay it is a strange jingle of sounds: The dark shall be light, And the wrong made right, When Bertram's right and Bertram's might Shall meet on

"By all means," he said, "though I should have thought we should all have accepted it unless, perhaps, it were Dennis." "I most certainly don't!" cried Leslie. "Nor I," added Audubon. "Oh you!" cried Parry, "you accept nothing!" "True"; he replied, "my motto is 'j'attends." "Well," I resumed, "let us follow the argument and see where it leads us.

His motto was, "Live and let live." There are passages in his Concord diary in which he refers to the itinerant transcendentalist in no very sympathetic manner. His experience at Brook Farm may have helped to deepen this feeling.

This was the "All Night" club, a meeting-place of fast young Society men and millionaire Bohemians, who made a practice of going to bed at daylight, and had taken for their motto the words of Tennyson "For men may come and men may go, but I go on for ever."

Here, you come into a court where the children are at play and the grown people sit upon their doorsteps, and perhaps a church spire shows itself above the roofs. Here, in the narrowest of the entry, you find a great old mansion still erect, with some insignia of its former state some scutcheon, some holy or courageous motto, on the lintel.

She was still the heroine of the day, and <ipalmam qui non meruit the motto which the unconscious satirists bestowed on her. She did not mean it to be so quite the contrary but wrong comes about from good intentions to the full as often as from evil ones.