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Like State Rights, this principle is only invoked when convenient. Starting largely as a movement to keep whiskey from the negro and, to a somewhat less extent, from the white laborer, prohibition has become popular. On the whole it has worked well in the South though "moonshining" is undoubtedly increasing.

"Shore I've got dobe mud in my haid fer brains," he said, with disgust. "Simple as apple pie, an' I never onct thought of ketchin' wild hosses thet a way." "Blink, that's because you never figured on a wholesale catch," replied Pan. "Moonshining wild horses, as you called it, and roping, and creasing with a rifle bullet, never answered for numbers. It wouldn't pay us to try those methods.

In leasing a farm to Edwards, Jack had expressly stipulated that there was to be no moonshining on the premises. But, by and by, there was reason to suspect that Edwards was violating this part of the contract. Coburn did not send for a revenue officer; he merely set forth on a little still-hunt of his own.

It seemed as though, in one night, the news traveled from valley to cove, and from cove to nook, that I was investigating the moonshining business, and that I was apparently "safe." Each individual interpreted that word to suit himself. Some regarded me askance, others were so confiding that their very frankness threatened at times to become embarrassing.

"Blockadin' is the hardest work a man ever done. And hit's wearin' on a feller's narves. Fust chance I git, I'm a-goin' ter quit!" And it is a fact that nine out of ten of those who try the moonshining game do quit before long, of their own accord. One day there came a ripple of excitement in our settlement.

He could not read, but one of his daughters read to him, and he had learned by heart nearly all that lay between the two lids of a "Universal History" such as book agents peddle about. Like one of John Fox's characters, he was fond of the expression "hist'ry says" so-and-so, and he considered it a clincher in all matters of debate. Our conversation drifted to the topic of moonshining.

Moonshining proper was confined to the poorer class of people, especially in Ireland, who lived in wild and sparsely settled regions, who were governed by a clan feeling stronger than their loyalty to the central Government, and who either could not afford to share their profits with the gaugers, or disdained to do so.

Here, then, is a conundrum: How does it happen that moonshining is distinctly a foible of the southern mountaineer? To get to the truth, we must hark back into that eighteenth century wherein, as I have already remarked, our mountain people are lingering to this day.

"He ordered his men to to fire. Who knows? Perhaps before daybreak I shall have no " She checked herself, her small hand at her throat. "I shall have no father, and with all his faults I love him dearly. He doesn't think moonshining is wrong. Some of the most respectable persons even ministers wink at it, if they don't actually take part.

"It will take your mind off your impracticable star-gazing and moonshining, and divert your attention into the channels of realism.