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The time approaches when, having nothing more to give him, you will have to encroach upon your husband's money-drawer to such an extent that longer concealment will be impossible. When that day comes what is to be done? Perhaps you have some feasible plan of escape?" Mme. Fauvel shuddered. The dreadful day of discovery could not be far off, and no earthly way was there to escape it.

Hepzibah blundered to and fro about her small place of business, committing the most unheard-of errors: now stringing up twelve, and now seven, tallow-candles, instead of ten to the pound; selling ginger for Scotch snuff, pins for needles, and needles for pins; misreckoning her change, sometimes to the public detriment, and much oftener to her own; and thus she went on, doing her utmost to bring chaos back again, until, at the close of the day's labor, to her inexplicable astonishment, she found the money-drawer almost destitute of coin.

But Maida kept her eyes steadily on his. “You know what I’m talking about well enough,” she said quietly. “In the last week you’ve stolen a rubber and a pencil and a blank-book from me and just now you tried to take some money from the money-drawer.” Arthur sneered. “How are you going to prove it?” he asked impudently. Maida was thoroughly angry.

At the village grocery he often slipped behind the counter and took articles for which he did not pay, and finally he visited the combination money-drawer. Of much of Elmer's dishonesty Edwin was aware; but, feeling that his mother would believe no report about his cousin that he might bring, and dreading her punishments for tattling, he kept all such knowledge to himself.

She was summoned from behind the counter, where she presided at the money-drawer, and presented to me as Madame Jourdain. I filled a glass for her. "Monsieur, here, is seeking a lodging," he began. "Is the one on the second floor, back, at our disposal yet, Célie?" His wife pondered the question a moment, looking at me with sharp little eyes. "I do not know," she said at last.

I do not say, I would not trust at my money-drawer the boy who has been cheating at his lessons, because a boy may have been led into the latter delinquency by a false notion of right, which as yet has not affected his integrity in matters of business. But this I do say.

She sat at t'e money-drawer unt grows fat; I wass soon so weak t'at she tid not hesitate to to " The little man's face was bathed in sweat at the memory of that degradation, which his tongue refused to describe. "I endured eet to t'e last moment," he added, thickly. "T'en I fled!" "You seem to have alighted on your feet," remarked Rushford.

Malcolm's face did not brighten with a feeling of heart-warm benevolence. But, he turned slowly away, and opening his money-drawer, very slowly, toyed with his fingers amid its contents. At length he took therefrom a dollar bill, and said, as he presented it to Lyon, sighing involuntarily as he did so "I suppose I must do my part. But, we are called upon so often."

As she said this, Jasper was close by and heard the remark. "Right, ma'am," answered the clerk. The customer laid a ten-dollar bill on the counter. Claire saw that the eyes of Jasper were on him. He took it up, placed it in the money-drawer, and stood some time fingering over the change and small bills. Then, with his back turned toward Jasper, he slipped a five dollar gold piece from his pocket.

Only a lad remained with Claire, and he was sent up-stairs to arrange some goods. The hour of temptation had again come, and the young man's mind was overshadowed by the powers of darkness. "Ten dollars clear gain on that transaction," said he to himself, as he drew open the money-drawer in which he had deposited the cash paid to him by his late customer.