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Updated: January 17, 2025
As for Lady Molinda, she was torn by the most painful feelings; for, much as she hated Prigio, she could not bear the idea of marrying Benson. Yet one or the other choice seemed certain. Unhappy lady! Perhaps no girl was ever more strangely beset by misfortune! Prince Prigio was now called on to speak.
The prince bowed respectfully to Lady Molinda: "Madam, my cousin," said he, "your clemency will excuse my answer, and you will not misinterpret the apparent discourtesy of my conduct. I am compelled, most unwillingly, to slight your charms, and to select the Extreme Rigour of the Law. Executioner, lead on! Do your duty; for me, Prigio est pret;" for this was his motto, and meant that he was ready.
Meanwhile, Prince Prigio had to suffer many unpleasant things. The queen, who did not believe in Firedrakes, alone took his side. He was not only avoided by all, but he had most disagreeable scenes with his own cousins, Lady Molinda and Lady Kathleena. In the garden Lady Molinda met him walking alone, and did not bow to him.
That a reward of FIVE THOUSAND PURSES will be given to whomsoever brings the said prince, alive, to our Castle of Falkenstein. Whereas, This is to advise all, That whosoever brings the horns and tail of the said Firedrake to our Castle of Falkenstein, shall receive FIVE THOUSAND PURSES, the position of Crown Prince, with the usual perquisites, and the hand of the king's niece, the Lady Molinda.
But the pair of us will tackle him. How is Molinda?" "Prettier than ever," said Prigio; "but anxious about you. However, the Firedrake's dead and done for; so never mind him. But I left Enrico somewhere about. Just you sit down and wait a minute, till I fetch him."
"Never better, sire," said the man, bowing with more courtliness than his profession indicated. "Very well," said the king; "Prince Prigio, you have your choice. There is the gallows, here is Lady Molinda. My duty is painful, but clear. A king's word cannot be broken. Molly, or the gibbet!"
I didn't much like the whole affair: he is an alien, you see; and then there was my niece, Molinda poor girl, she was certain to give trouble. Her heart is buried, if I may say so, with poor Alphonso. But the queen is a very remarkable woman very remarkable " "Very!" said the Ambassador, with perfect truth.
He'll come back when he's tired: there are no Firedrakes; a French writer says they are 'purement fabuleux, purely fabulous, you know." "Prince Alphonso has gone on his travels, and will come back when he is tired! And was he then tired of me?" cried poor Molinda, bursting into tears, and forgetting her dignity. "Oh!
"Not believe in Firedrakes!" cried Alphonso. "I wonder what you do believe in! Just let me get at the creature!" for he was as brave as a lion. "Hi! A Molinda! A Molinda!" which was his war-cry. The page ran to get the armour; but it was so uncommonly hot that he dropped it, and put his fingers in his mouth, crying! "You had better put on flannels, Alphonso, for this kind of work," said Prigio.
However, she was a determined woman, and stood to it that nothing unusual was occurring. The butler made up his mind to claim the crown princeship and the hand of the Lady Molinda; because, as he justly remarked to William, here was such a chance to better himself as might not soon come in his way again.
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