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And she told me she was grieved, but she could not help it, and it would be time for me to understand when I was older. 'I don't think this Uncle Alfrey can be nice, said Maude. ''Tis quite disgusting if he kisses me, said Dolly; 'but you see he is poor, and all the Mohuns are stuck up, except father, and they wanted mother to despise him, and not help him. And you see, she stuck to him.

At any rate, from that moment she began to recover, ate with appetite, slept and woke to be interested, and to enjoy Theodore's letter of description of St. Wulstan's, and even to ask questions. Alexis was ready to dance for joy when she first began really to talk to him; and could not forbear imparting his gladness to the Miss Mohuns that very evening, as well as to Mr.

In the afternoon there was a great feast on the top of the hill, attended by all the Mohuns, who were forced, to Lily's great satisfaction, to give it there, as there was no space in the grounds at the New Court.

'Your Marques, was China in the map, so absorbing all beholders that the magnanimous Mohuns themselves 'What nonsense, Rotherwood, said Jane, sharply; 'can't you suppose that one may shut one's eyes to what one does not wish to see. The singular inappropriateness of this answer occasioned a general roar of laughter, and she looked in perplexity.

The station was at Rockquay, and there was an uphill drive to reach Rockstone, where the two Miss Mohuns had been early inhabitants -had named their cottage Beechcroft after their native home, and, to justify the title, had flanked the gate with two copper beeches, which had attained a fair growth, in spite of sea winds, perhaps because sheltered by the house on the other side.

And the speaker clutched the arm of a chair so violently that the wood cracked in his powerful grasp. "That is all!" he added. "The Mohuns, Davenants and Conways, are about to intermarry, you see! Their blood is going to mingle, their hands to clasp, in spite of the gulf of fire that divides their people! All is forgotten, or they care nothing.

Eden once came to work at the New Court, and a few messes of broth were given to her, but in general she was forgotten, and when remembered, indolence or carelessness too often prevented the Miss Mohuns from helping her. In Emily's favourite phrase, each individual thing was 'not worth while.

I, the son of the pure gentleman whose portrait is yonder I, the representative of the Mohuns, a family which had acted in all generations according to the dictates of the loftiest honor I, had put to death a woman, and that thought spurred me to madness! "Of his death I did not think in the same manner.

However, when five o'clock tea was spread in the drawing-room, and the Hacket ladies came in, Constance beheld such a splendid vision of a fine, fair, though sunburnt face, long, light moustaches, and tall figure, that she instantly assumed her most affected graces, and did not wonder the less that the Mohuns were all so very high.

Mohun, of the ancient family of the Mohuns, he is the husband and the dupe of a thief!" "She was splendid as she uttered these words, Surry. They thrilled me, and made my blood flame. I half rose, nearly beside myself then I resumed my seat and my coolness. A moment afterward I was as calm as I am at this moment, and said, laughing: