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What's he lying betune the quilts now fur, but by token of the bad heart in him! It's a wicked could he has, an' how did he come by it? I'll tell ye, Misther Garon.

"You see, Masther, it's for Ellish's sake I'm doin' this. State that in the oath." "I know it; an' well she desarved that specimen of abstinence from you, Misther Connell. Thank you! Your health agin! an' God grant you grace an' fortitude to go through wid the same oath! An' so he will, or I'm greviously mistaken in you." made by me, Cornelius O'Flaherty, Philomath, on behalf of Mr.

"Faix, and it's not meself that he scoulded at all, at all, but Misther Peter N and John L , an' he held them up as an example to the whole church. 'Peter N says he, 'you have not been inside this church before to-day for the last three months, and you have not paid your pew-rent for the last two years.

'Twas 'Good mornin', Misther Dooley, an' will ye come in an' have a cup iv tay, an' 'How d'ye do Misther Dooley, I didn't see ye at mass this mornin', an' 'Martin, me boy, dhrop in an' take a hand at forty-fives. Th' young ladies has been ask in' me ar-re ye dead. I was th' pop'lar idol, ye might say, an' manny's th' black look I got over th' shouldher at picnic an' wake.

John, dear? I say, what are you at? What do you baste me this way for oh, may the divil the Lord bless you, an' don't here I am here, Misther John, I ax your pardon hell pursue Misther John, darlin', I go down on my knees to you, an' axes your pardon here now you see, I'm down. Och murdher, am I to have the very sowl welted out o' me this way?" Mr.

"And that goose or something!" Eager hands reached down as Madden and Caradoc handed up the platters. "To the mess room, to the mess room!" directed Leonard. "Sure, sure, we wouldn't touch a mouthful for hanything!" cried Mulcher earnestly. "Misther Madden, you're a wonder!" extolled Hogan. Then the three men climbed up and were received clamorously.

"Ah, Misther Braboy," she said one evening when they sat at the supper table alone, it was the second girl's afternoon off, and she had not come home to supper, "it must be an awful lonesome life ye 've been afther l'adin', as a single man, wid no one to cook fer ye, or look afther ye."

Mother, my stomach craves its matutinal supply I'm in excellent condition for breakfast." "It's ready. Jemmy, you'll Misther Burke, I mane you'll pay for Misther Hycy's mare." "If I do you'll live to see it, that's all. Give the boy his breakwhist." "Thank you, worthy father much obliged for your generosity

Go and thry it yourself, Misther Frisbie, an' I'll stand at your back till you're black in the face. But when I went through the camp, everything was quiet and orderly, and Jack Batters' bar was not only closed it was gone; vanished without leaving so much as a bad smell behind it." "And then?" said Ford.

"We'll pay ye, won't we, Misther Madison?" put in Terrence, with his characteristic impertinence. "What proofs have you of the perfidy of Great Britain?" asked the president. "I have letters, sir, and official documents which would make any honorable man blush." "No doubt of it, yer honor," put in Terrence. "Have you those papers with you, Mr. Henry?" asked the careful president. "Some of them."