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If Sir George did so early, and started for Pegu the next morning and I was informed such was the fact he must have been made of iron. I laid in bed the whole day suffering greviously; but I was told that on such a journey I should have slakened my throat with oranges, and not with brandy.

In this way the money of his employers disappeared. He could not charge himself with any one special act of extravagance. He felt, he said, ashamed of himself, and deeply pained before God, and wondered that he could not see and feel before that he has sinned greviously.

I have beheld how the desire to provide wealth and to uphold a delicate life has greviously entangled many, and has been like a snare to their offspring; and though some have been affected with a sense of their difficulties, and have appeared desirous at times to be helped out of them, yet for want of abiding under the humbling power of truth they have continued in these entanglements; expensive living in parents and children hath called for a large supply, and in answering this call the 'faces of the poor' have been ground away, and made thin through hard dealing.

"You see, Masther, it's for Ellish's sake I'm doin' this. State that in the oath." "I know it; an' well she desarved that specimen of abstinence from you, Misther Connell. Thank you! Your health agin! an' God grant you grace an' fortitude to go through wid the same oath! An' so he will, or I'm greviously mistaken in you." made by me, Cornelius O'Flaherty, Philomath, on behalf of Mr.

To idolators and infidels they put the alternative of the Koran or death; but allowed the Christians to retain their church organization, laying them, however, under severe contributions, and treating them to the ignominious appellation of Christian dogs." The Armenian and the Greek churches survived, and still exist in that portion of the world, but they have indeed been greviously tormented.

They then stated that, in their humble judgment, a mere relaxation in the operation of the severe and penal laws against Catholics would not be an act of sufficient atonement to them for all they had greviously suffered; that to overlook, or connive at, or protect those great criminals would be at variance, not only with all principles of justice, but with the spirit of the British Constitution itself, which never recognizes, much less encourages, a wicked and deliberate violation of its own laws.

In this chapter we have in contrast a portion of the history of God's true church, to show us that all was not lost even though the Eastern church was greviously tormented by the serpent-tails of the horses and the Western church still continued as before in her sorceries, fornications, and abominable idolatries. The symbol is that of an angel from heaven.

Matthew; and I fancied that he meant to condemn our prosecution, not directly, so as to offend his employers, but indirectly, so as to justify himself and satisfy us. I was, however, greviously mistaken. Mr.