United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

My father had been against the bonfire being in the quarry, arguing that the wind on the hill would have carried off the smell of the whisky; but Peter Tosh said they did not want the smell carried off; it would be agreeable to the masons for weeks to come. Except among the women there was no fighting nor wrangling at the quarry but all in fine spirits. I misremember now whether it was Mr.

Whin the childher wasn't bornin', they was dying; for, av our childher die like sheep in these days, they died like flies thin, I lost me own little Shadd but no matther. 'Tis long ago, and Mrs. Mulvaney niver had another. "I'm digresshin. Wan divil's hot summer, there come an order from some mad ijjit, whose name I misremember, for the rigimint to go up-country.

I misremember whether my ancestors came from this part of the world or not; but if they did, sir, my habits and profession entirely unqualify me for their company, I hope. I know I am only a poor steward, sir, but you'll please to recollect that your great Mr. Vattel was nothing but a cook." "D n the fellow, Leach; I believe it is this conceit that has spoiled the coffee the last day or two!

"Look 'ee here, Toc; there's somethin' here that touches on your case, if I don't misremember where. Let me see. Ah, here it is, `A man may not marry his grandmother, much less a boy," he added, looking up. "But, father, Susannah ain't my grandmother," said Toc, stoutly feeling that he had got an advantage here. "True, lad, but she might be your mother.

Your first harpoon, you know, was a little wide of the mark, if I recollect right, wasn't it?" "Yis, it wos about as wide as the first bullet. I misremember exactly who fired it; wos it you, Meetuck?" Meetuck, being deeply engaged with a junk of fat meat at that moment expressed all he had to say in a convulsive gasp, without interrupting his supper.

I looked here and there for the old Bell Inn, because, unless I misremember, Fielding brings Tom Jones to this inn, while he and Partridge were travelling together. It is still extant; for, on my arrival the night before, a runner from it had asked me to go thither; but I forgot its celebrity at the moment. I saw nothing of it in my rambles about Gloucester, but at last I found

There was a bang that sounded to me as if the ship's magazine had blown up. It was followed by a constellation o' fire-works and Archie Sinclair must tell you what happened arter that, for I misremember the whole on it. The fire-works closed the scene to me." Archie, nothing loath, and with glistening eyes, took up the narrative at this point, while the hero of the hour rekindled his pipe.

Wilkinson's mother if they'd given 'im the V.C., but there weren't no other orficers about, and they didn't take any notice of us chaps." "Talkin' of 'Ill 60," said Bert Potter, "there was that Captain I misremember 'is name you know, that bloke what got into trouble at the ole farm for giving a cow a tin o' bully beef, and the cow died next day.

I am afraid, however, that the truculence of the old General's expression was utterly thrown away on this stolid and obdurate race of men; for, when they occasionally inquired whom this work of art represented, I was mortified to find that the younger ones had never heard of the battle of New Orleans, and that their elders had either forgotten it altogether, or contrived to misremember, and twist it wrong end foremost into something like an English victory.

O'Toole!" She filled his cup and handed it to him with a triumphant air. "Yerra, I misremember doin' any such thing," said Murty, slightly confused. "'Tis the way I was most likely goin' afther a sick bullock, or it might be 'possum shootin'." He raised his cup and took a deep draught; then, with a wry face, gazed at its contents. "I dunno is this a new brand of tea you're afther usin', now?