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When Sir Gareth heard this, he was so encouraged that he made a final great effort and threw his enemy over the bridge into the water. Then he turned to Lynette, saying: "Lead; I follow." But Lynette, proud now of her valiant escort, and humbled and ashamed at her misjudging of him, said: "No, we shall ride side by side.

Poor fellow! he had walked all that distance in the cold and the snow only for one word and this was the man I had been doubting and misjudging all day!

You remember I warned you against misjudging the Coltons, Roscoe. They, too, I am sure, are good people at heart, in spite of their wealth." "Mother, you are too charitable for this earth too unworldly altogether." "Haven't you and I reason to be charitable? There! there! let us forget the land and the money. Roscoe, I should like to meet this Miss Colton. She must be a brave girl."

Barrett turned at the door. A plea for pardon in misjudging him, thankfulness for his help, sympathy for his exile all these shone from her eyes. But words failed her. She held out her hand. He seemed not to see it; he kept his arms at his sides. A "dog of a Chinaman" had best not take a woman's hand.

Misjudging, in his ignorance, the tremendous power of the surf into which he sprang, and daring to recklessness in the conscious possession of unusual strength and courage, he did not pause to look or consider, but at once struck out to sea. He was soon beyond the influence of the breaking waves, and for some time sported in the full enjoyment of the briny Atlantic waters.

I wonder they had not abandoned it; for a crack of light into a wren's nest would certainly addle the eggs. They are such tiny, dusky, tucked-away things, and their cradle is so deep and dark and hidden. There were no fatalities, I am sure, following my efforts to prop the leaning structure, though the wrens were just as sure that it was all a fatality utterly misjudging my motives.

So, when poor Cecil, uneasy in her mind, began asking about the illness at Wil'sbro', he enlivened her with a prose about misjudging, through well-intentioned efforts of clerical philanthropy to interfere with the sanitary condition of the town so that wells grew tainted, &c., all from ignorant interference. Poor man he heard a little sob, and looked round, and there was Cecil in a dead faint.

Trying and examining, but through the sleight of Satan, and because pitching upon wrong marks, coming to no good issue, but condemning themselves without ground. There is another thing which occasioneth this misjudging, to wit, the want of distinctness and clearness in covenanting with Christ, and the ignorance of the nature of true saving faith.

Led on by it, I proceeded to have one of those ridiculous "generous impulses" I persuaded myself that there must be some decency in this liberality, in addition to the prudence which I flattered myself was the chief cause. "I have been unjust to Roebuck," I thought. "I have been misjudging his character."

"I'm not, Uncle David," Joan's eyes shone; she was thinking of Patricia; "but you, everybody, lose a lot if they do not really know the truth about women the real truth." "My dear," David was quite serious, "I'm no longer hard or misjudging I was frightened at your aunt's methods with you, but you're proving me wrong every day." "You should have trusted her more, Uncle David."