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The méringue paste alluded to as used by foreign confectioners is made by beating the white of an egg with a tablespoonful of powdered sugar until stiff. Grilled Almond Ice-Cream.

But still he couldn't be expected to know. "But you'll have a meringue, won't you, Cyril?" said Aunt Josephine. "These meringues were bought specially for you. Your dear father was so fond of them. We were sure you are, too." "I am, Aunt Josephine," cried Cyril ardently. "Do you mind if I take half to begin with?" "Not at all, dear boy; but we mustn't let you off with that."

"I can remember more than that. I can rememher the actual struggle. I got my meringue down on the mat, both shoulders touching, in one minute, forty-three seconds." The band died slowly down until no sound could be heard above the rustle of frocks ... and suddenly everybody realized that it had stopped. "Bother," said Miss Middleton. "That's just like a band," I said bitterly.

Strew over them some sifted sugar and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. As soon as they begin to color, remove them from the oven; take each slip of paper by the two ends and turn it gently on the table and with a small spoon take out the soft part of each meringue.

Grease your cake-pans thoroughly with good clarified butter, then line them with a rich coffee cake dough which has been rolled very thin and set in a warm place to rise. Then pare and quarter enough peaches to cover the dough. Lay the peaches in rows and sweeten and set in oven to bake. Make a meringue quickly as possible and pour over the cakes and bake a light brown.

Set back in a slow oven until it turns a golden brown. The above pie can be made into a tart without the addition of the meringue by adding criss-cross strips of pastry when the pie is first put into the oven. All of the above are good if made from the dried and stewed apricots instead of the canned and are much cheaper. Stewed dried apricots are a delicious addition to mince meat.

Take six ounces of preserved ginger, free from fibre; pound it; make two quarts of lemonade by paring eight or ten lemons so thinly that the knife-blade shows through the yellow; put the peel of three in a pitcher with a pound and a quarter of sugar; pour two quarts of boiling water on them, and cover; squeeze and strain the juice from the lemons, add to the water, and when cold stir in the pounded ginger, with the méringue paste made with the whites of four eggs.

"I guess I'm what you would call a false alarm, Torchy. I've been tried out and haven't made good." "G'wan!" says I. "Everyone gets a lemon now and then. Some tries to swaller it whole, and chokes to death; others mixes 'em up with eggs and things, and knocks out a pie, with meringue on top. Draw us a map of how you fell off the scaffold." Well, I jollied the hard luck tale out of him.

"In the tin dish just as it came from the oven!" added Eleanor, laughing. "Not quite like it was when it came from the oven, for such a shaken up mess of meringue and custard we never had at our table!" laughed Polly, seeing the condition of the pie from the shaking and falling it had had when Choko went over the cliff. "Any one want a slab?" asked Anne, laughing also. "No, thanks!

The family came and sat by her bed uncomfortably and smoked, and finally retreated with defeat written large all over it, leaving Jane to the continued possession of Room 33, a pink kimono with slippers to match, a hand-embroidered face pillow with a rose-coloured bow on the corner, and a young nurse with a gift of giving Jane daily the appearance of a strawberry and vanilla ice rising from a meringue of bed linen.