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"Pardon my lese-majesty," he said, "but this chief of your Intelligence Department is a dummer Mensch. He is throwing away a valuable life." Marie exclaimed in dismay. She placed her hand upon his arm, and the violet eyes filled with concern. "Not yours!" she protested. "Absolutely!" returned the Italian.

She wept without grimacing, without noise very touching, very quiet, with something more of pity than of pain in her face, as one weeps in compassion rather than in grief and Hermann, before her, declaimed. I caught several times the word "Mensch," man; and also "Fressen," which last I looked up afterwards in my dictionary. It means "Devour."

Descent of Man, second ed., pp. 63, 64. See Bastian's Mensch in der Geschichte, iii. p. 7. Also Grey, loc. cit. ii. p. 238. Miklukho-Maclay, loc. cit. Same habit with the Hottentots. The great migrations. New organization rendered necessary. The village community. Communal work. Judicial procedure. Inter-tribal law. Buryates. Kabyles. Caucasian mountaineers. African stems.

From Pergina I went to Trent and from there to Bolzan, where, needing money for my dress, linen, and the continuation of my journey, I introduced myself to an old banker named Mensch, who gave me a man to send to Venice with a letter to M. de Bragadin. In the mean time the old banker put me in a good inn where I spent the six days the messenger was away in bed.

I had no more time to be scared, or to regret my past sins, than has a man in a quicksand. So far as I could make out, they were divided in opinion concerning me. Rupert of Hentzau, who was the adjutant or the chief of staff, had only one simple thought, which was to shoot me. Others considered me a damn fool; I could hear them laughing and saying: "Er ist ein dummer Mensch."

And as he walked along the dark ways to his lodgings, Egger's voice was still in his ears "Der Mensch wenn er fortgeht, der kommt nimmermefr." "Heaven be thanked, no!" the young man said to himself. Poverty was his familiar companion, and had been so for years.

Es will sich ernähren Kinder zeugen, und die nähren so gut es vermag. Weiter bringt es kein Mensch, stell' er sich wie er auch will." In physiological language this means, that all the multifarious and complicated activities of man are comprehensible under three categories.

Generally in matters of any moment, consult my Wife; but her only, "except her and the Privy Councillors, no mortal is to poke into my affairs:" I say no mortal, "SONST KEIN MENSCH." "My Wife shall be told of all things," he says elsewhere, "and counsel asked of her." The rugged Paterfamilias, but the human one!

Think of such a charge against the `Gottbetrunkener Mensch, who gave new proofs of God's existence, who saw God in everything! Another literary man whom I enjoyed meeting was Julius Rodenberg; his ``Reminiscences of Berlin, which I have read since, seem to me the best of their kind. I also came to know various artists, one of them being especially genial.

As if nature itself, excluding the conscious doings of that portion of nature which is the human race, and excluding also nature's own share in the making of poor Man, did not abound in raking cruelties and horrors of her own. "Edel sei der Mensch," sang Goethe in a noble psalm, "Hulfreich und gut, Denn das allein unterscheidet ihn, Von allen Wesen die wir kennen."