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Very soon a knock at the door interrupted me. "Come in!" I shouted. In stepped Mike, with an air of the greatest secrecy, handed me a letter and the box. What could it mean? I hastily opened the envelope, while Toddie shrieked, "Oh, darsh my dolly's k'adle dare tizh!" snatched and opened the box, and displayed his doll! My heart sickened as I read, "Miss Mayton herewith returns to Mr.

Had we been in New York instead of Hillcrest, no one but the florist, his messenger, the lady and myself would know if I sent a bouquet to Miss Mayton; but in Hillcrest, with its several hundred native-born gossips and its acquaintance of everybody with everybody else and their affairs, I feared talk.

Miss Mayton gave a little start, and my thoughts followed each other with unimagined rapidity. SHE did not turn the conversation it could not be possible that she COULD not. She was not angry, or she would have expressed herself. Could it be that I bent over her and acted upon Budge's suggestion.

There, erect, fresh, neat, bright-eyed, fair-faced, smiling, and observant, sat Miss Alice Mayton, a lady who for about a year I had been adoring from afar. "When did you arrive, Mr. Burton?" she asked. "You're certainly a happy-looking trio so unconventional! You look as if you had been having such a good time."

Handing the bouquet to Toddie, we entered the garden, when he shrieked, "Oh, there's a cutter-grass!" and with the carelessness born of perfect ecstasy, dropped the bouquet. I snatched it before it reached the ground, dragged him up to Miss Mayton, and told him to give the bouquet to the lady.

Suddenly a small shadow came between, and the voice of Budge remarked, "Uncle Harry 'spects you, Miss Mayton." "Suspects me! Of what, pray?" exclaimed the lady, patting my nephew's cheek. "Budge," said I I felt my voice rising nearly to a scream "Budge, I must beg you to respect the sanctity of confidential communications." "What is it, Budge?" persisted Miss Mayton. "You know the old adage, Mr.

Miss Mayton made some witty reply, and we settled to a pleasant chat about mutual acquaintances, about books, pictures, music, and the gossip of our set. Handsome, intelligent, composed, tastefully dressed, without a suspicion of the flirt or the languid woman of fashion about her, she awakened to the uttermost every admiring sentiment and every manly feeling.

Mayton caught her breath, and did not reply for a moment. At last she said: "How do you know he gives her hugs and kisses?" "Cos I saw him, the day Toddie hurt his finger in the grass-cutter. An' he was so happy that be bought me a goat-carriage next morning I'll show it to you if you come down to our stable, an' I'll show you the goat too. An' he bought " Just here Budge stopped, for Mrs.

Alice led the way into the parlor whispered to her mother, and commenced to make a rapid exit, when Mrs. Mayton called her back, and motioned her to a chair. Alice and I exchanged sidelong glances. "Alice says you wish to speak with me, Mr. Burton," said she. "I wonder whether the subject is one upon which I have this afternoon received a minute verbal account from the elder Master Lawrence."

I confess that I took a careful survey of the garden to see how fine a bouquet I might make for Miss Mayton, and was so abundantly satisfied with the material before me that I longed to begin the work at once, but that it would seem too hasty for true gentility.