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"Just as I thought," said the other, smiling kindly. "I ordered fifteen drops, but now you can begin to take twenty; that will not be too strong but positively not more, dear Brother." Mauer looked up at him with an expression of keenest anguish, and gasped for breath; while Jonathan continued to smile at him. No wonder Carmen thought, "What a strange sort of friendship!"

I have already told you that it is a great misfortune that he loves you, and you cannot return his affection." "Father, my thoughts are so perplexed by all this. I cannot understand how any one can have such power over you that you are forced to leave your own child unprotected." Mauer sighed deeply. Carmen rose, and began to pace restlessly up and down the room.

It was a time of temperate, if not genial, climate. Unfortunately, we have only one bone of this primitive race, the jaw found at Mauer in 1907, but its massive size and chinless contour suggest a being midway between the Java man and the Neanderthal race. His culture confirms the supposition. There is at this stage no clear trace of fire, clothing, arrows, hefted weapons, spears, or social life.

Mauer sat silent a moment, as if trying to refresh in his memory the half-faded events of long years ago, and shape into more definite forms their outlines, obscured by the mists of time. At length he spoke.

They built the village Stanz, beside the Kernwald The village Altdorf, in the vale of Reuss; Yet, ever mindful of their parent stem, The men of Schwytz, from all the stranger race, That since that time have settled in the land, Each other recognize. Their hearts still know, And beat fraternally to kindred blood. MAUER. Ay, we are all one heart, one blood, one race!

And then when evening comes, dear father, you shall sit by me, and tell me of the snow-capped Himalayas, and the wonders of the East Indian world. Or when the lamp is lighted, I will read to you, just as I did to Frau von Trautenau in her dear little nook." "How often you speak of that lady, Carmen! Is she so very dear to you?" asked Mauer.

But worth is worth, no matter where 'tis found. HUNN. That is Herr Reding, sir, our old Landamman. MEYER. I know him well. There is a suit between us, About a piece of ancient heritage. Herr Reding, we are enemies in court, Here we are one. STAUFFACHER. That's well and bravely said. WINKELRIED. Listen! They come. Hark to the horn of Uri! MAUER. Look, is not that God's pious servant there?

THE HEIDELBERG JAW. The second relic, in the order of time, relied upon by the evolutionists to prove the brute origin of man, is a "human jaw of great antiquity, discovered in the sands of the Mauer River, near Heidelberg." Hence, it is called the Mauer jaw, or the Heidelberg Jaw, or Heidelberg man, or the high sounding Latin name of Homo Heidelbergensis.

Each one must fulfil the duty laid upon him, and not pause to consider if it concurs with his own wishes or not. If Carmen's hand is still free, she must follow the call which has been given her. She may not be separated from us forever. Perhaps in a few years she will return with her husband." "A few years! Will they be granted to me?" said Mauer, sadly.

"No; she has been dead about ten years, and I left Jamaica some time before that, as my health could not stand the climate. I went from there to the northern part of the United States. From Bethlehem, where I remained several years, I went back to the old place, and when I got there Carmen was a wee little maiden, and I was told that Brother Mauer had left Jamaica for the East Indies."