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The wisest thing that any of us can do is to 'go and tell Jesus' our loneliness, and let it bind us more closely to Him. 'And John's disciples came, and took up the body, and buried it, and went and told Jesus. MATT. xiv. 12. 'And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy. MATT. xxviii. 8.

Augustine has it, the empty vessel is by prayer carried to the full fountain. 'Enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, MATT. vi. 6. An old heathen who had come to a certain extent under the influence of Christ, called prayer 'the flight of the solitary to the Solitary. There is a deep truth in that, though not all the truth.

"But have all the fellows go away so they won't hear me if I holler." "All but one or two," agreed the doctor. "I'll need one or two boys to hold things." "Use the fellows who were with me, then!" asked Matt. "They know just about how foolish I can be so it won't be anything new to them." The doctor laughed. "That's the way heroes talk sometimes," he said. "I'm glad to hear you say it."

"No, no! It's for me to do it. I know that; unless I can get Louise. Ah! I wonder what that is." They were walking back toward the station again, and Matt had seen a head and arm projected from the office window, and a hand waving a sheet of yellow paper. It seemed meant for them. They both began to run, and then they checked themselves; and walked as fast as they could.

They let life ebb without securing the one thing needful, and the neglect was irremediable. There is a tragedy underlying many a life of outward religiousness and inward emptiness, and a dreadful discovery will flare in upon such, when they have to say to themselves, 'This might have been once, And we missed it, lost it for ever. 'Our lamps are gone out. MATT. xxv. 8.

Porro scandalum est dictum vel factum quo impeditur evangelii cursus, cujus ampliationem et propagationem, totius vitae nostrae scopum esse oportet, saith Martyr. It is a fault to give offence even to the strong, or else Peter was not to be blamed for giving offence to Christ, Matt. xvi. 23.

"Once I did myself. I was mad to follow the man. I saw him again, and was yet madder. I saw him yet again, and made love to him madly, and then " "You married him," said I, knowing perfectly well the devotion of these two. "Yes," said Mrs. Kitty, sighing contentedly, "it was Matt, of course.

This is woful logic. 4. To whomsoever the power of dispensing the sacraments was given by Christ, to them also the power of preaching was given; dispensing the word and sacraments are joined in the same commission, Matt, xxviii. 18-20: what Christ joins together let not man put asunder. 5.

The dishes were piled up in silence, the door was locked the key returning to Polly's sweater pocket, and the two went back to the dining-room. "Say, was that guy tryin' to get fresh with you?" demanded Matt, as they went along. "I set out there on the steps because I thought mebbe you wanted to chat with the crittur, being acquaintances like, but if I'd of thought that he "

Wade said he should be very glad to meet him; and if he could be of any use to him he should be even more glad. But his mind was still upon Matt's love affair, and as they wrung each other's hands, once more he said, "I think you've decided so wisely, Matt; and justly and unselfishly." "It's involuntary unselfishness, if it's unselfishness at all," said Matt.