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Updated: August 4, 2024

Then he saw his dog dancing frantically about a young lady who held in her arms a little white spaniel, which she had evidently just snatched up from annihilation. Markeld started forward with a leap, but at that instant a tall figure emerged from a hooded chair nearby, and with a quick and well-directed kick, sent the dog spinning.

His lips were quivering, his fat cheeks hanging flaccid, as he handed the paper back. "You are playing with me," he said, thickly. "What I have seen, I have seen. What I know, I know. You cannot trick me. I will go to the Prince of Markeld to Prince Ferdinand himself " "To whomever you please," interrupted Collins, "only go at once," and he snatched open the door.

"It is an explanation which I owe to the Prince of Markeld as well as to yourself, Mr. Rushford," went on Vernon, more slowly, speaking calmly by a great effort, "and which I was just about to make to him when you came in. I am not Lord Vernon I am merely his younger brother.

Markeld has the right to expect decent treatment at our hands." "Rather late in the day to take that ground," retorted Collins. "Late or not, I do take it," answered Vernon, pausing an instant in his walk to emphasise the words. "I see," said Collins, drily, "it's a sort of moral awakening a quickening of conscience the kind of thing we are all so proud of displaying.

"And we must go too, dad," said Sue, in a low voice. "At once. Come." "Yes," assented her father. "Yes yet wait a minute, Susie," and he stopped, his eyes on Markeld. "I'd hate to think I'd done any other man the same injustice I did that young Englishman. Perhaps the Prince of Markeld has also an explanation. If so, I shall be very glad to hear it."

So it presently came to pass that Susie Rushford found herself walking on with the Prince of Markeld, while Nell took her place beside the invalid's chair. Five minutes later, Vernon had revised his judgment and decided that Nell was far the handsomer she had the air, somehow, which one associates with duchesses, but which, alas! is, in reality, so seldom theirs.

"I don't think we'll have any more trouble," he said. "Markeld and I have called a truce for a week, and by that time " He paused again, evidently on the verge of another indiscretion. Chance saved him the necessity of going on, for at that moment a tall, military figure loomed ahead, approached, hesitated, stopped, and uncovered.

"What is it?" she demanded. "Don't you see we are all waiting?" "'Prince George, of Schloshold, has just died of an apoplexy," the Prince read. "'You will inform the Prince of Markeld that we will support his house to the limit of our power. Vernon," "God be praised!" cried the duchess. "God be praised," and she caught at the door to keep herself from falling.

"Besides," added Blake, "we've got to play very close, since it happens that Markeld is in this very hotel. We supposed, of course, that he would go on to London. I must say that I think he showed exceedingly poor taste in following us here." "Oh, I don't know," said Vernon. "I think it was rather enterprising. I only wish we could treat the poor devil fairly."

"Your Highness is, of course, aware," began the detective, sitting down with a back very straight, and drooping his lids until his eyes were almost closed, "that France is deeply interested in this question of the succession, and that its sympathies are wholly with Prince Ferdinand, the cousin of Your Highness, and whom, I understand, Your Highness represents." Markeld nodded.

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