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I was just going to express my regret to Lord Strepp that no ladies were to be present in our assemblage, when the door opened, and who should sail in, like a full-rigged man-o'-war, but the Countess herself, and Lady Mary, like an elegant yacht floating in tow of her.

The squadron fell in with an English man-o'-war, and seventy-two years ago to this very day, on this very spot, after fighting heroically, until its masts were shot away, its hold full of water, and a third of its crew disabled, this vessel preferred sinking, with its 356 sailors, to surrendering. Nailing its colours to the mast, it sank beneath the waves to the cry of 'Long live the Republic!"

Lay aft, here, some of you, and get the tarpaulin off this Long Tom, and pass the word for the gunner." We soon got the gun into position, and the captain of it a man who had seen a great deal of service on board a man-o'-war, from which he had deserted just before joining the Dolphin tried a shot at the frigate.

"Westerly, sir, and blowing astern of us all the way through." "Then we will go, Tom. Why, no man-o'-war boat dare follow us there." "That they won't, sir," said Tom, decidedly. "I say, messmet, what do you say to a couple o' reefs in the sail?" "Let her be," said the smuggler, taking his seat by Aleck, who handed him the little tiller.

In the midst of the Fair, about four o'clock, a din of horns, beaten kettles, and hideous yelling, broke out in Troy. I met the crowd in the main street, and for a moment felt afraid of it. They had seized the woman in the taproom of the "Man-o'-War" where the gamekeeper was lying in a drunken sleep and were hauling her along in a Ram Riding.

"Well, Mildmay, what do you make of them?" inquired Sir Reginald, as he at this moment stepped out on deck. "I make of it," answered Mildmay, "that the leading ship is an X. and Z. liner steaming for all she is worth; and that the second ship is a man-o'-war a second-class cruiser, I should say chasing her!" "The dickens you do!" returned Sir Reginald. "Then what does it mean?

After listening with much interest to the description here loosely paraphrased, I fell asleep with the half-formed longing to be a penguin, and the liveliest gratitude that I was not a man-o'-war hawk. Next morning, whilst I caught and equipped my horses, Jack tailed his own two into the catching-yard.

Dent, whose ship the Shrewsbury man-o'-war was then in the Downs, directing him to send a gang ashore and press the first six good seamen they should meet with, taking care, however, since their Lordships did not wish to be too hard upon the town, that the men so pressed were bachelors and not householders. Lieut. O'Brien was entrusted with this delicate punitive mission.

Our lives may depend upon our ability to attract her attention and get her to pick us up. But what is the matter with them aboard there that they have not seen us? Their look-outs must be fast asleep." "She's a trader of some sort, sir; that's what's the matter with her," answered one of the men. "If she was a man-o'-war, or a slaver, there'd be a better look-out kept aboard of her.

And, tho' ashamed to speak of it, I told him of Stanwix's prophecy that I should pace the decks of a man-o'-war. "A pox on Stanwix!" said the captain, "an artful old seadog! I never yet knew one who did not think the sun rises and sets from poop to forecastle, who did not wheedle with all the young blood to get them to follow a bow-legged profession." Colonel Washington laughed.