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Bernard prepared for Gordon's arrival in Paris, which, according to his letter, would take place in a few days. He was not intending to stop in England; Blanche desired to proceed immediately to the French capital, to confer with her man-milliner, after which it was probable that they would go to Italy or to the East for the winter.

We can trim them with this lace, Florence, and they will look so cool and nice. Now if mamma only had time to make hats for them!" "I'll make them hats," said Rock. "You! Whoever heard of boys making hats for dolls?" "Did you never hear of a man-milliner?" asked Rock. "And men dressmakers? I have. You stay here. I am going to ask your mamma for something to make them of."

"Of these," continues he, "with the newly developed talent of a man-milliner, I speedily constructed turbans a la Turque, and fanciful head-gears of divers conformations.

But it's nothing to the captain's cap, ma'm. Indeed, ma'm, Mr. Wheeler, the captain that is to be, has the prettiest taste in dress. Why, now, pray, Mrs. Landlady, how long may it have been the fashion for milliners to go about in men's clothes? Lord, Mr. Hearty, hush! This is Mr. Finsbury, the great man-milliner. Farm. The great man-milliner! This is a sight I never thought to see in Old England.

He there conducted himself so much to the satisfaction of Bonaparte, that, on the rupture with your country, he was made commander of the camp near Montreuil; and last year his wife was received as a Maid of Honour to the Empress of the French. This Maid of Honour is the daughter of a washer-woman, and was kept by a man-milliner at Strasburg, at the time that she eloped with Ney.

"What have you gone and done, Franky, dear?" asked mamma. "How much is seventeen half-crowns?" "Two pound and half-a-crown, ain't it? I drew Borax in our lottery, but I bought Podasokus and Man-milliner of Leggat minor for two open tarts and a bottle of ginger beer." "You little wicked gambling creature, how dare you begin so soon?" cried Miss Amory. "Hold your tongue, if you please.

"What have you gone and done, Franky dear?" asked Mamma. "How much is seventeen half-crowns? Two pound and half-a crown, ain't it? I drew Borax in our lottery, but I bought Podasokus and Man-milliner of Leggat minor for two open tarts and a bottle of ginger-beer." "You little wicked gambling creature, how dare you begin so soon?" cried Miss Amory. "Hold your tongue, if you please.

Of course Milly bought the hat in the end, it was such a "jewel" and became her as if "it were made for Madame Brag-donne," who, Jeanne averred, was really more than half French. Which perfectly contented the man-milliner. "We know you, Mrs. The negotiations over the hat, which had to be altered several times, gave Milly a chance to confide in her old friend Jeanne the New Idea.

One day Milly stepped into the shop of the smart man-milliner, where in her opulent maiden days she had got her hats, "just to see what Bamberg has this season." Bragdon a certain hat he wished her to try on. "One of my last Paris things," he explained, "an absolutely new creation," and he whispered, "It was ordered for Mrs. Pelham the young one, you know, but it didn't suit her."

While the freshmen to whom this was addressed did not appreciate the generous erraticism of the judgment, even now one of them sees that, coming as it did from a clergyman of genial culture, a true lover of literature and one to inspire that love in others even in freshmen! it could hardly have been spoken concerning a mere man-milliner of letters.