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It may be better to renounce the attempt at an estimate of the share which fortune, character, and talent had in the life of Lorenzo il Magnifico. But look at a personality like that of Ariosto, especially as shown in his satires.

At length, however, despite the prodigious care that the great magnifico, Don Juan Belvidero, took of himself, the days of decrepitude came upon him, and with those days the constant importunity of physical feebleness, an importunity all the more distressing by contrast with the wealth of memories of his impetuous youth and the sensual pleasures of middle age.

You are right. The stuff was in him, but the Fates were unkind. I stretch out my hand to the pauvre diable. 'I think one learns more from the mock magnifico than from anything else, observed his Grace. 'When the lion saw the donkey in his own royal skin, said Aunt Bel, 'add the rhyme at your discretion he was a wiser lion, that's all.

The monument, upon the opposite side, to Julian, third son of Lorenzo Magnifico, is of very much the same character. Here are also two mourning figures. One is a sleeping and wonderfully beautiful female shape, colossal, in a position less adapted to repose than to the display of the sculptor's power and her own perfections. This is Night.

The man looked at him reproachfully. "It is my business, signore. I am very attentive to my duties. If you permit me to drive you to our splendide our magnifico hotel you will confer a favor." "How about the baggage?" "The trunks, signor, we will send for later. There is really no hurry about them. The small baggage will accompany us. You will remark how excellent is my English.

Can any man wonder, like him? can any man see ghosts, like him? or fight with his own shadow sessa as he does in that strangely-neglected thing, the Cobler of Preston where his alternations from the Cobler to the Magnifico, and from the Magnifico to the Cobler, keep the brain of the spectator in as wild a ferment, as if some Arabian Night were being acted before him, or as if Thalaba were no tale!

"Ebbene" said the man with the hose round his neck, who had lately migrated from another knot of talkers, "they are safest who cross themselves and jest at nobody. Do you know that the Magnifico sent for the Frate at the last, and couldn't die without his blessing?" "Was it so in truth?" said several voices. "Yes, yes God will have pardoned him." "He died like the best of Christians."

As the smoke drove away ahead before the wind the wall was seen to crumble into dust under the impact of the heavy iron shot, while the lighter missiles mowed down the soldiers like corn beneath the sickle, until not a man was left standing upon his feet, even the magnifico in armour going down before the hail of iron and lead, to say nothing of the Spanish standard, the staff of which was cut clean in two, so that it toppled over and fell, carrying the flag with it, to the ground at the base of the wall.

Her title read thus: Certainly a formidable inscription for a steamboat! When she hove in sight, Perry halted, resumed his stately demeanor, and em-barked as if he were a Doge entering a Bucentaur to wed a Sea. There was nobody on deck to witness the arrival and salute the magnifico. Perry looked in at the Cap'n's office.

All crowded forward, youth and age, man and woman. And most ardent of all were those whose life stands most close to vicissitude, most exposed to beggary, most sorely tried in the alternative between bread and honour. Not an operative there but spared his mite. Omne ignotum pro magnifico. Rumour, knowing nothing of his antecedents, exalts Gentleman Waife into Don Magnifico.