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"Have a cup with me?" "I will." "He's trying to tell me, Mr. Skalger, that I should never laaf. I must only grin." Her lips parted and she laughed joyously. Eugene laughed with her. He could not help it. "Ma-ma´ says I giggle all the time. I wouldn't do very well here, would I?" She always pronounced it "ma-ma´." She turned to Eugene again with big smiling eyes. "Exceptions, exceptions.

"I'll swing you," said Ernest, and running to her side began with such a will that Gladys cried out: "Oh, not so hard, not so hard!" and the boy dropped his hands, abashed. Now, while they were both standing before her, was a good time for Gladys to give them her great surprise; so she put her hands about Vera's waist, and at once "Ma-ma Pa-pa" sounded in the still grove.

On some days, when Raicharan listened to its crying, his heart suddenly began thumping wildly against his ribs, and it seemed to him that his former little Master was crying somewhere in the unknown land of death because he had lost his Chan-na. It learnt to say Ba-ba and Ma-ma with a baby accent. When Raicharan heard those familiar sounds the mystery suddenly became clear.

"Wanta fight!" announced a tousled-headed, wash-suited five-year-old with determination. "Go on!" retorted Silvey incautiously as he looked down upon the petitioner from the lofty height of ten long years of life. "This game ain't for babies. It's for men. You'd get hit in the eye and go home to ma-ma in a minute. You can't play."

But as he mentally rehearsed the meeting with his mother he clearly felt with the terror of a man who is beginning to lose his reason and who realizes it, that this old woman in the black little kerchief was only an artificial, mechanical puppet, of the kind that can say "pa-pa," "ma-ma," but somewhat better constructed.

He would say to his mistress with a look of awe and mystery: "Your son will be a judge some day." New wonders came in their turn. When the baby began to toddle, that was to Raicharan an epoch in human history. When he called his father Ba-ba and his mother Ma-ma and Raicharan Chan-na, then Raicharan's ecstasy knew no bounds. He went out to tell the news to all the world.

Shame has kept me away from my perfumed companion, and it is only at her command that I have come back. I have tried my hardest. Alas! such is the spirit of the century." "We will say nothing to the ma-ma. Let my Lord stay here for the night: his slave will propose another plan to him." She served him with a meal and wine, and made him lie down.

"This is a young people's party, I presume?" "Well, it's not a sophomore party, at any rate," retorted Nora. "Ma-ma, ma-ma," cried a number of other sophomores, imitating the cries of a baby. The freshmen were nettled by the superior attitude of the older class, but they knew better than to say anything more just then.

"Yes," she said, inhaling her breath in a gasp. They went, and he initialled her card in five places. "We must be careful," she pleaded. "Ma-ma won't like it." He saw by this that she was beginning to understand, and would plot with him. Why was he luring her on? Why did she let him? When he slipped his arm about her in the first dance he said, "At last!"

He was conscious of great danger of jeopardizing a wonderfully blissful relationship, and finally said: "Perhaps we had better go." "Yes," she said. "Ma-ma would be greatly disturbed if she knew this." She walked ahead of him to the door. "Good night," she whispered. "Good night," he sighed. He went back to his chair and meditated on the course he was pursuing. This was a terrible risk.