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"You kicked Sir Mortimer Carnaby's friend!" exclaimed the Viscount. "What in heaven's name did you do that for?" "'Cos you told me to, m'lud, you did." "I told you to kick " "Yes, m'lud, you did.

"Gentle-folks, sir, rich folks like you an' m'lud. 'I'd gillertine the lot, if I'd my way, he says, 'like the Frenchies did in Ninety-three, 'e says. But 'e wouldn't reelly o'course, for Nick's very tender-hearted, though 'e don't like it known. So we 're pals, we are, and I often drop in to smoke a pipe wiv 'im " "What! Do you smoke, Imp?"

It is stated by Paul of Tarsus that he and others worked miracles THE JUDGE: Do you intend to call Paul of Tarsus? COUNSEL: No, m'lud. He is dead. JUDGE: Did he make a proper sworn deposition? COUNSEL: No, m'lud. But some of his letters are extant, and I propose to put them in. JUDGE: Are these letters affidavits? Are they witnessed and attested? COUNSEL: No, m'lud. JUDGE: Are they signed?

You sez to me, last week arter I done up that butcher's boy you sez to me, 'don't fight 'cept you can't 'elp it, you sez; 'but allus pertect the ladies, you sez, 'an if so be as 'e's too big to reach wi' your fists why, use your boots, you sez, an' so I did, m'lud." "So you were protecting a lady, were you, Imp?" "Miss Clemency, mam; yes, m'lud.

Then off goes a barker and off go the coves, and there's m'lud 'olding onto 'is harm and swearing 'eavens 'ard. And that's all, sir." "And these men were trying to get at the horses?" "Ah! Meant to nobble 'Moonraker, they did, 'im bein' one o' the favorites, d' ye see, sir, and it looked to me as if they meant to do for your 'oss, 'The Terror', as well." "And is the Viscount much hurt?"

Then, settling his feet more firmly, he took a fresh grip upon the reins, and glanced over his shoulder to where Milo of Crotona sat with folded arms in the rumble. "All right behind?" "Right, m'lud." "Then give 'em their heads, let 'em go!"

Good-by, dear fellow, good-by!" So saying, the Viscount turned, rather hastily, sprang into the phaeton and took up the reins. "Are you right there, Imp?" "All right, m'lud!" answers that small person with one foot posed negligently on the step, waiting till the last possible moment ere he mounts to his perch behind.

Have you any witnesses? COUNSEL: No, m'lud. That fancy dialogue about expresses the legal value of the evidence for this important miracle. But, legal value not being the only value, let us now consider the evidence as mere laymen. As men of the world, with some experience in sifting and weighing evidence, what can we say about the evidence for the Resurrection?

"Why, then, my dear Beverley ha! there's Jenk come up to say the curricle's at the door." Sure enough, at the moment, the Viscount's gentleman presented himself to announce the fact, albeit mournfully and with a sigh. He was about to bow himself out again when the Viscount stayed him with an upraised finger. "Jenkins," said he, "my very good Jenk!" "Yes, m'lud?" said Jenkins.

"I'm here with both feet, and I want a job P-D-Q. First, though, I want you to shake hands with my friend, Jimmy Scarbridge Hold on! Wait a second." He drew himself up pompously, and bowed to Lord James in burlesque mimicry of Mrs. Gantry. "Aw, beg pawdon, m'lud. Er the aw Right Hon'able the aw Earl of Avondale: I present aw Mistah Griffith." "Chuck it!