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This frank question, put directly, and guarded by the battery of those innocent, girlish eyes, was a very hard question to be answered; for Norton Bury had said many ill-natured things of our young 'squire's wife, whom he married at Naples, from the house of the well-known Lady Hamilton. "She was, you are aware, Lady Caroline Ravenel, the Earl of Luxmore's daughter."

A smothered murmur of applause greeted old Jacob, as he marched back down the aisle, where on the stone benches of the porch was seated a rural jury, who discussed not over-favourably the merits of Lord Luxmore's candidate. "He owes a power o' money in Norton Bury he do." "Why doesn't he show his face at the 'lection, like a decent gen'leman?"

He has been too much occupied in business matters to write home frequently, since he reached Paris. However his stay there is limited;" and this seemed to relieve her. "I doubt if he will have much time left to visit Compiegne." She said no more than this, of course, to Lord Luxmore's son; but her disquiet was sufficiently apparent.

I assure you, they form quite a contrast to their neighbours, who are Lord Luxmore's." "And his voters likewise, I suppose? the 'free and independent burgesses' who are to send Mr. Vermilye to Parliament?"

Be patient; we'll lodge you all somehow. To-morrow I will pay your rent get your goods back and you shall begin the world again, as my tenants, not Lord Luxmore's." "Hurrah!" shouted the men, easily satisfied; as working people are, who have been used all their days to live from hand to mouth, and to whom the present is all in all.

"Tell us, John I quite forgot to ask till now what is that 'painful business' you mentioned, which called the sheriff to Lord Luxmore's?" John glanced at his wife, leaning fondly against him, her face full of sweet peace, then at his little daughter asleep, then round the cheerful fire-lit room, outside which the autumn night-wind went howling furiously.

The lad was hurried off immediately, for fear of justice: but he had written from shipboard to Lord Ravenel, begging him himself to take the letter and break the news to us at Beechwood. The man he had struck was not one of Lord Luxmore's set though it was through some of his "noble" friends Guy had fallen into his company.

But it was not to be. You will hardly credit me when I inform you that she ran away from home; yet such was the case. On the death of Mr. Luxmore, I sought oblivion in the details of business. I believe I have mentioned that seven mansions, besides this, formed part of Mr. Luxmore's property: I have found them seven white elephants.

They took at least, Mr. Vermilye did all the property of Lord Luxmore's that he could lay his hands upon family jewels and money to a considerable amount. The earl is pursuing him now, not only as his daughter's seducer, but as a swindler and a thief." "And Richard Brithwood?" "Drinks and drinks and drinks. That is the beginning and the end of all." There was no more to be said.

No matter I fear not. I fear nothing while John does what he feels to be right as I know he will; the issue is in higher hands than ours or Lord Luxmore's. But where's Muriel?" For as we sat talking, the little girl whom nothing could persuade to go to bed till her father came home had slipped from my hand, and gone out into the blustering night.