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The borough is Lord Luxmore's; I could nominate Satan himself if I chose. My man shall stand." "I think," Lord Luxmore said, with meaning, "it would be better for all parties that Mr. Vermilye should stand."

Involuntarily it carried me back perhaps others besides me to the day at Longfield when little Guy had devoted himself to his "pretty lady;" when we first heard that other name, which by a curious conjuncture of circumstances had since become so fatally familiar, and which would henceforward be like the sound of a death-bell in our family Gerard Vermilye.

He was an Englishman, lately succeeded to a baronetcy and estate; his name how we started to hear it, though by Lord Ravenel and by us, for his sake, it was both pronounced and listened to, as if none of us had ever heard it before Sir Gerard Vermilye. As soon as Ursula recovered, Mr. Halifax and Lord Ravenel went to Paris together.

The ladies were very jolly, teasing one another, telling bits of fun, comparing work, and exchanging cooking recipes. Miss Gitty asked Margaret about her mother's family, the Vermilyeas. A Miss Vermilye, sixty or seventy years ago, had married a Conklin and come over to Closter.

"A young gentleman of small fortune, but excellent parts, who returned with us from Naples." The lady's manner being rather more formal than she generally used, John looked up quickly. "The election being to-morrow, of course his name is no secret?" "Oh, no! Vermilye. Mr. Gerard Vermilye. Do you know him?" "I have heard of him."

Father Underhill laughed and squeezed the little girl with a fondness she understood very well. Just then a voice called rather sharply: "'Milyer! 'Milyer!" and he sat the little girl down on the stool as carefully as if she had been china. He put another kiss in the little dent, and she gave him a tender smile. His whole name was Vermilye Fowler Underhill. Everybody called him Familiar, but Mrs.

It was queer the houses should be just alike six brown-stone steps, and iron side railings, and an iron railing to the area, that was paved with brick. You would always have to be thinking of the number or you might get into the neighbor's house. Oh, no. Here was a sure sign, the bright silver door-plate with black lettering "Vermilye F. Underhill." She looked at it in amazement.

He is afraid lest this story should come out to-morrow at Kingswell; and to be an M.P. and safe from arrest is better to Mr. Vermilye than even yourself, Lady Caroline." John's wife, unaccustomed to hear him take that cool, worldly, half-sarcastic tone, turned to him somewhat reproachfully; but he judged best. For the moment, this tone had more weight with the woman of the world than any homilies.

Vermilye is not saved from arrest by being placed in Parliament, he will be outlawed and driven safe out of the country. You see?" Ay, I did, only too well. Though I foresaw that whatever John was about to do, it must necessarily be something that would run directly counter to Lord Luxmore and he had only just signed the lease of Enderley Mills.

Lord Luxmore looked considerably surprised, and politely incredulous still. His son-in-law broke out into loud abuse of this "knavery." "I will pass over this ugly word, Mr. Brithwood, merely stating that " "We are quite satisfied," interrupted Lord Luxmore, blandly. "My dear sir, may I request so useful a vote and so powerful an interest as yours, for our friend, Mr. Vermilye?"