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A typical John Bull, my dear chap. Blunt, straightforward, above board. No diplomacy, no arrière pensée, but loud-voiced and hearty. Proud as Lucifer in one way, but as gullible as a hedgehog. English, quite English, you know, with a proper scorn for everything that isn't English. The British Navy, you know the British Navy can defy the world! "Of course I was ignorant of the British Navy.

This, roughly, is a bird's-eye glimpse of the southeastern stretch of Florida, a region of glory and glow and fortunes and mystery. When Milo Standish came back from Miami that noon he professed much loud-voiced joy at seeing his guest so well recovered from the night's mishaps. At lunch. he suggested: "I am running across to Roustabout Key this afternoon. in the launch.

They will gradually acquire influence, not by loud-voiced rhetoric, but by the silent eloquence of rich cornfields, heavy-laden orchards, full-uddered kine, and merry-hearted boys and girls, by the gentle, but irresistible force of kindly words, pleasant ways, ready sympathy, a helping hand in trouble, "sage counsel in cumber," by the thousand little devices of taste and culture and good-fellowship, by the cheap elegances, the fine endearments, all the small, sweet courtesies of life.

The rocks wore vines of crimson, and goldenrod was full of bees and yellow butterflies. Gnarled roots bore little creeping tufts of squawberry with bright, red berries dotting thick between. But Courtland passed on and saw it not. Above, the sky was deepest blue and flecked with summer clouds. Loud-voiced birds called gaily of the summer's ending, talked of travel in a glad, gay lilt.

Lamps blazed over the motley assembly, loud-voiced barkers yelled, and a band added its discords to the din. The "Poodle Dog" glared in light, resounded with noise; lamps gleamed from the hotel windows, and the huge dance hall stood wide open.

"Send him away no, give him over to " "Nothing of the kind," interrupted George Wright, loud-voiced. "Cousin, go on with your dance. I'll take a couple of cowboys. I'll find this this rustler, if there's one here. But I think it's only another bluff of Steele's." This from Wright angered me deeply, and I strode right for the door. "Where are you going?" he demanded. "I've Miss Sampson's orders.

At least you've the same as told me that in words, and you've told me that in loud-voiced actions every time you've seen her." "Well what if I do?" "If you had the clearness of vision that is in the glassy eye of a cold boiled lobster you would see that she feels the same way about you."

Ask yourself if the people who go out from the remote places of Ireland, quiet-spoken and ruddy-faced, and return after a few years loud-voiced and pallid, have found things exactly as their hope. They protest, yes; but their voice and colour belie them.

The big Frenchman, who wore tremendous earrings, a bright scarlet cap with a blue tuft, and a gay sash, lurched through the crowd and against Pete Ellinwood with a malice only too plain. But his effort was attended with failure. Not only did Pete stand like a rock, but he thrust the other violently back with his shoulder, so that he recoiled upon those behind him, earning their loud-voiced curses.

The whole party was one whole-hearted, simply convivial gathering with but a single note to mar it; and who knows whether the rector, and still less the rector's wife, would have noticed it, but for Hepsey Burke's subsequent "boiling over?" When the games and feast were at full swing, Virginia Bascom's loud-voiced automobile drove up, and the door-bell pealed.