United States or Anguilla ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Even as early as this, the great struggle that was fated to bathe his nation in blood and fire was looming near, and the nobler among the young men of the country were unconsciously preparing to play their great parts in the awful civil war. On entering Hiram Institute, Garfield was too poor to pay the ordinary fees.

With war looming closer and closer new units were being formed everywhere and No. 2 Company of the 5th AA Divisional Signals was born at The Wayfarers Club on Worral Road near the top of Blackboy Hill in Bristol.

So that the Twinklers had quite a success, and their hearts came a little way out of their boots; only a little way, though, for there were the Clouston K. Sacks looming bigger into their lives every minute now. Really it was a beautiful day, and, as Aunt Alice used to say, that does make such a difference.

The sun was now above the indefinable horizon, looming blood-red through the smoky haze. All objects, even in the middle distance, showed vague and shadowy; but, knowing which way the marauders had taken their prey, we went after them, making a slight detour to secure the four horses.

Finally, other issues the imbroglio with Mexico, for instance were looming up, and exciting a different interest among the American people.

Ay, and missis too! Hooray! for the cruel eyes, and the touch-me-not airs. The proud, pale-faced devil! as thought Jim wasn't quite the equals of the dirt beneath her feet. Steady! Here he comes." And looming through the fog, Mr. Ryfe approached with cautious, resolute step; carrying a revolver in his pocket, prepared to use it, too, on occasion, with the fearless energy of a desperate man.

Every barn he knew, and cairn and croft and steeple recalled stories of his boyhood. We had long been in sight of Criffel, towering ahead of us, whose summit had beckoned for cycles to Helvellyn and Saddleback looming up to the southward, marking the wonderland of the English lakes.

It was quite dark now, the hull of the ship looming faintly above us, a big black shadow, and the water was without a glimmer near, save where, just ahead, the light of a flare-up, which the pirates had kindled on the forecastle, shone out over the sea there, besides illuminating the island beach where a number of black figures could be seen moving about opening some casks, which, Ching Wang explained to me, he had assisted in getting up from the forehold, so as to distract their attention from us for awhile; for, knowing that these casks contained salt pork, and being acquainted with the predilections of his countrymen for this dainty, he was certain they would have an orgy before proceeding to further hostilities.

We swept through the prettiest little curving arms of the lake, among these colossal green walls, enjoying new delights, always, as the stately panorama unfolded itself before us and rerolled and hid itself behind us; and now and then we had the thrilling surprise of bursting suddenly upon a tremendous white mass like the distant and dominating Jungfrau, or some kindred giant, looming head and shoulders above a tumbled waste of lesser Alps.

It seemed that I stood in the enormous audience hall of a great palace, where there were crowds of slaves, attendants and armed men, on all sides arose huge pillars of stone on which were carved the winged heads of monsters and fabulous gods, and looming out of the shadows I saw the shapes of four giant Sphinxes which guarded a throne set high above the crowd.