United States or Egypt ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Half-grown boys came to the door and crooked their fingers at the children, who ran out, and were soon heard in the midst of the fun. "Don't s'pose you've heard from Ed?" Mrs. Smith shook her head. "He'll turn up some day, when you ain't look-in' for 'm." The good old soul had said that so many times that poor Mrs. Smith derived no comfort from it any longer. "Liz heard from Al the other day.

"You leave it to me, Miss!" he announced confidently when she had finished. "I'll get into that house to-morrow, one way or another, and have a talk with the landlady and the kid. I'll soon find out if they know more than they've told. In the meantime, I'll make the round of the hospitals to-night and have a look-in at headquarters to see if she's turned up missing.

The Dutchman led the way up a narrow, bushy ravine, guiding me by sound rather than by sight. "Up this same very path," I heard him, "has gone one uncle of mine. They pulled him to the advance with one rope around his arms. Then they cut him up and ate him. But that was many years ago, my dear sir. Now I am the law. Maybe there shall come, now and then, a Dutch gunboat to have a look-in.

He knew life from every angle, and it was a dull affair in his eyes. "Politics is a game of wits," he said; "the smartest one wins, and gets in and divides the slush money. The other side howl because they didn't get any. We're sore now because we haven't had a look-in for fourteen years we're thirsty and dry and we long for the water-brooks which is, government jobs.

Then, forcing herself to smile, she asked: "Won't you risk a look-in at the Exposition du Lis with us, Monsieur Gerard?" "Well, no," replied the Count, "I want to walk. I shall go with Monsieur l'Abbe Froment to the Chamber." Thereupon he took leave of mother and daughter, kissing the hand of each in turn.

But I tell you this, that if I can get £5000 together, as I hope to do out of Saharas before I am a month older, for they had to give me a look-in, as I knew too much, I am off to the country, where I was born, to take a farm there. No more of Messrs. Aylward and Haswell for Thomas Jeffreys. That's my bell.

"You think so?" replied the Frenchman. "I shall make a better one on the day of the race. I mean to win that cup." "Well, give us at least a look-in," laughed Frank good-naturedly. "Bah, you are boys. I am a seasoned aviator. I have flown at Rheims and Vienna and in the south. It is absurd for you to compete with me."

"You know you aren't the only one to consider in this matter; the rest of us are entitled to a look-in. For Heaven's sake, try to control this excess of virtue, and when you get into one of those Martin Luther moods, just reflect that I have laid ten thousand aching simoleons on the altar." "Sure!" supplemented George; "and look at me and Cherry.

This concomitant, however, always dangled, that if it were put to us, "Do you really mean you would rather they should not perpetually have been again for a look-in at Berlin, or an awfully good time at Munich, or a rush round Sicily, or a dash through the States to Japan, with whatever like rattling renewals?" you would after all shrink from the responsibility of such a restriction before being clear as to what you would suggest in its place.

"It's a right lovely mornin'," he remarked impersonally, tugging at his silver-gray mustache. Suddenly the waiting riders stiffened in their saddles. A ripple of shots sounded, followed by the shrill cowboy yell. Still the old Ranger sat his horse, coolly surveying his men. "Don't we get a look-in?" queried a cowboy. "Poco tiempo," said the Ranger softly.