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I went up to the wagon to see if Pa looked natural, and he raised up, like a corpse coming to, and said: "Hennery, did you notice how I roped the black steer?" and I said: "Yes, pa, I saw the whole business, and saw you start south, chasing the steer, armed only with a saddle, and what is the news from Texas?" Pa said: "Look-a-here, I don't want to hear any funny business.

The old scrimmage smile was on his face. "But I do not want to do it again, and I did take you unawares." "Look-a-here," said Ike, touching Shock with his forefinger on the breast, "do you think you kin do it agin?" "Don't know that I could," said Shock quietly. "But I do know that I do not intend to try. And, in fact, I do not know how it was done." "Ikey does," drawled a voice.

"It stood to reason that taking money off'n a man who'd play such a game was inhumanity in the first degree, so when Pete's last dollar departed I entered that horse-race with a gun, just as I had no business to, and I says to the tin-horn, 'Look-a-here, you put that money across the board, or I'll play a tune on you, and so he shouldn't think I was interferin' out of an idle curiosity, I pointed the weapon at him.

"Look-a-here!" he called. "What d'ye know about this?" and he waved something over his head. "What is it, Marty Day?" Janice cried, looking at the small object in wonder. "Another letter from Uncle Brockey! Hooray! he ain't dead yet!" shouted the boy. His cousin seized the missive fresh from the post-office and gazed anxiously at the envelope.

"It was before my father died; we were up in the old Maine place," he had said. "Gosh, Bill was cute that day! We went on a drive no motor cars then and took our lunch, and after lunch the kid comes and settles herself in my arms for a nap, if you please! 'Say, look-a-here, I said, 'what do you think I am a Pullman? I wanted a smoke, by George! She wasn't two, you know.

The folks were laughing and winking and nudging one another in the ribs, just the way I used to. I was done up with my long, hard ride, and some nervous, I guess, for it fair turned my stomach to see them. "I waited till they were all through laughing, and then I broke loose. I just gave them a piece of my mind! 'Look-a-here, you fellows! I said.

"No, I don't," Julia said, with a little laugh. "Now, you look-a-here, Julia you look-a-here," Mark began, almost angrily. "I am going to ask you to marry me! You've fooled about it, and you've laughed about it, and I've got a right to KNOW! I think about it all the time; I lie awake at night and think about it. I" his voice softened suddenly "I love you awfully, Julia," he said.

The negro was comical in the extreme in his first attempts, and shouted so loudly with laughter each time that he fell head foremost into the snow that Peter said to him angrily: "Look-a-here, Jake; it's dangerous enough letting off a rifle at a deer in these woods, but it has to be done because we must lay in a supply of food; but a musket-shot is a mere whisper to yer shouting.

"Look-a-here, you shouldn't speak to a fellow till you've been introduced," said that wicked Fred behind me. "Mr. Flutter, allow me to make you acquainted with Mr. Flutter. He's anxious to take a little walk with you." It was so; I had been talking to myself in a four-foot looking-glass.

"I wonner where he got 'is stren'th from? I never seen a man do like that before. It was a funny thing. Well, he was a reg'lar jim-dandy." The youth desired to screech out his grief. He was stabbed, but his tongue lay dead in the tomb of his mouth. He threw himself again upon the ground and began to brood. The tattered man stood musing. "Look-a-here, pardner," he said, after a time.