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"'My name, says he, 'is Henry Ogden. "'All right, Mr. Ogden, says I. 'Mine is Mr. Percival Saint Clair. "I herded sheep for five days on the Rancho Chiquito; and then the wool entered my soul. That getting next to Nature certainly got next to me. I was lonesomer than Crusoe's goat. I've seen a lot of persons more entertaining as companions than those sheep were.

The housekeeper had gone over to her brother's, so I had the place to myself. I thought and thought and the harder I thought the lonesomer the rest of my life began to look. And yet and yet I kept tellin' myself how selfish and foolish that was. I knew 'twas a dead sartinty she'd be gettin' married some time. You and I have laughed about it and joked about it time and again.

So I just keep busy, and if I get too lonesome, I just go and jolly somebody that's lonesomer than I am, and we both feel better; and if I get lonely lyin' awake at night, I light a lamp and read Webster's Dictionary. Try it, Jonathan; it's a sure anti-doubt." "There you go again, tryin' to change the subject, just when I thought you was goin' to say somethin'."

Now, if we was shut in here alone together or if you was shut in here all by yourself, and still lonesomer, me being over in the other house mostly the evenings would seem awful long. They always used to, to me." She could not answer at all. A terrible picture was coming before her. He struggled on. "If that Annie Squires girl came out here, she'd be a lot of help.

I guess I was lonesomer than I thought out there all alone so much, and the work was nigh to breaking me during the long, cold winter. I got a big notion to propose somepin' to you that might be a comfort to all of us." "Propose away," said Kate. "I'm at my wit's end."

Wen he war gone, I war lonesomer dan eber. But, one day, I jis' seed de gal dat took de rag off de bush. Gundover had jis' brought her from de up-country. She war putty as a picture!" he exclaimed, looking fondly at his wife, who still bore traces of great beauty. "She had putty hair, putty eyes, putty mouth. She war putty all over; an' she know'd how to put on style."

Well, everything was so awful still that we got to talking in a very low voice, and kept on getting creepier and lonesomer and less and less talky, till at last the talk ran dry altogether, and we just set there and "thunk," as Jim calls it, and never said a word the longest time.

I wouldn't grudge payin' that man a good price and cookin' them myself, if I could give you something to eat." "We can look," suggested Bobaday. "They'd be in the cellar, wouldn't they?" "It's lots lonesomer than our house was the morning we came away," chattered aunt Corinne, warming her long hands at the blaze.