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And my client assisted at the inspection with all the graces of a dancing-master. McCann poked into the forward lockers where we kept the stores, dropping the iron lid within an inch of his toe, and the clothing-lockers and the sail-lockers. He reached under the bunks, and drew out his hand again quickly, as though he expected to be bitten.

As to the carpenters, I scarce need mention how useful they were; for they took to pieces all my clumsy, unhandy things, and made clever convenient tables, stools, bedsteads, cupboards, lockers, shelves, and everything they wanted of that kind.

"That's right," said the captain; "but anyhow, when a man's tired, a wooden seat is a bit hard, so I've got some horsehair cushions to go on the lids of the lockers. I like 'em myself. Now then, gentlemen, can you make shift here?"

Going in here?" she asked pleasantly enough, refraining from closing the door entirely. Nan and Bess obtained a good view of the noisy room. It was lighted by high windows and a skylight. There were rows of lockers for the girls' clothes along the blank wall of the room. Through the middle and along the sides were long tables and stools.

"They then ransacked the cabin, turned out the lockers, and drank and sang, until the mate, I suppose, of the pirate came in and reported that everything of value was transferred to the brig; when the leader whom I once or twice heard addressed as Johnson," Bob and I started and looked at each other expressively "ordered the ship to be scuttled, and for all hands but those employed on the work to return to the brig.

Without saying a word, he staggered out of the cabin, and Cain threw himself on one of the lockers in front of the standing bed-place, saying, with a bitter smile, "So much for your intimates, Francisco!" "Rather, so much for your cruelty and injustice towards an unoffending man," replied Francisco, laying his book on the table.

Using the iron bars they carried, they forced open some of the lockers, but aside from pulp, which might have been charts or almost anything in the way of documents, nothing was come upon that would tell anything. "Unless the log book was kept in a water-tight case the ink would all run, once it was wet," Tom said, when they were about ready to give up their search. "I suppose so," agreed Ned.

Poor Fid had to watch a considerable time, however, and felt sadly cramped and almost stifled without being the wiser for all the trouble he had taken. The Frenchmen were there; but first Tom Marline came below, and then Hartland, and then the black; and the Frenchmen sat on the lockers cutting out beef bones into various shapes and polishing them.

Her decision was made promptly; she asked a few questions as though to assure herself that all the preparations had been made; seeing that nothing had been omitted, she began to search here and there. She found her hat and shawl, then continued her search. "I am ready," she said; "shall we go? We are really going?" She took a light, went to my room, to her own, opened lockers and closets.

I went to my mess, and there in quietude for on Sunday afternoons sailors indulge in a nap, and it was invariably so on the 'Emerald, some asleep on the lockers, others under the mess-table, the ditty box of each man being the pillow I prepared my discourse. The church was crowded that evening, and following the lieutenant's address, a hymn was sung, and it was singing!