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Meanwhile, he had grown personal. And while he was still speaking with fervour of Vienna which was his home of gay, melancholy Wien, he flung round and put a question to his companion. "Do you ever think of death?" Maurice had been the listener for so long that he started. "Death?" he echoed, and was as much embarrassed as though asked whether he believed in God. "I don't know.

But above and beyond everything else which enthralled the listener, there were four qualities, two specially conspicuous in the substance of his eloquence inventiveness and elevation; two not less remarkable in his manner force in the delivery, expressive modulation in the voice. Of the swift resourcefulness of his mind, something has been said already.

Davenport in a low voice, "whatten's all I can do, to what he's done for me and mine? But, Mary, sure I can help ye, for you'll be busy wi' this journey." "Just help me wring these out, and then I'll take 'em to the mangle." So Mrs. Davenport became a listener to the conversation; and after a while joined in.

"You're not a great talker yourself," the younger man reminded his host. "When you get me going on my own subject," Furley remarked, "I find it hard to stop, and you are a wonderful listener. Have you got any views of your own? I never hear them." Julian drew the box of cigarettes towards him. "Oh, yes, I've views of my own," he confessed. "Some day, perhaps, you shall know what they are."

He is in a communicative mood, and appreciating that the woman before him is an interested listener he is ready to review the events of the campaign. "I have so many evidences of treachery in my own camp that at times I despair of the result of the struggle," he says, half despondently. "It is the accursed power of gold that is fighting you," Martha breaks in vehemently.

Again, the microphone, which renders the minutest movements audible, and which enables a listener to hear the footfall of a fly, has equipped the sense of hearing with the means of entering almost as deeply into the penetralia of nature, as does the sense of sight.

The more faulty the musical character of the singer's tones the more pronounced is this impression of faulty production. On the other hand, just so nearly as the singer's tones approach perfection as musical sounds, so do they also impress the ear of the critical listener as indicating the approach to the perfect vocal action.

In conversation Edison is direct, courteous, ready to discuss a topic with anybody worth talking to, and, in spite of his sore deafness, an excellent listener. No one ever goes away from Edison in doubt as to what he thinks or means, but he is ever shy and diffident to a degree if the talk turns on himself rather than on his work.

J.W., Sr., reveling in reminiscences before so patient a listener as the preacher, though it was an old story, rehearsed how he had served for years as superintendent of the country Sunday school, and how Mrs. Farwell was teacher of the Girls' Bible Class. Their home had always been Methodist headquarters, he said, as old-time Methodists usually say, and with truth.

Along with this ready affluence of speech, the youth had what good talkers often lack, viz., the patience to hearken to others. Stevenson shone best in what he called a little committee of talkers, though his father and he used to argue a question together for days; but, in the Speculative, he had at first to be a listener.