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When that afternoon Rivers came into the hall, a tall young woman rose of a sudden and swept him a curtsey, saying, "I am Leila Grey, sir. Please to be glad to see me." "Good gracious, Leila! You are a woman!" "And what else should I be?" "Alas! what? My little friend and scholar oh! the evil magic of time." "Oh! Friend friend!" she exclaimed, "then, now, and always." She gave him both hands.

Why did he run away, John?" "Because he wanted to be free, I suppose, and not have to work without pay." "And don't they pay slaves?" asked Leila. "No, they don't." John felt unable to make clear to her why the two people they respected and loved never discussed what the village talked about so freely.

The little company had reached the place where Leila and Vera had parked their cars. Leila now cast speculative eyes over the group. "Martha is missing. Ethel must have found her cousin, surely. If she did not find her she was to go back to the campus with us. I lost track of her after the train whistled in.

A soft and restful spot was now denied him; a certain warmth and allurement had gone out of his life. He had not even the feeling that it was his duty to try and save Leila by persuading her to marry Fort. He had always been too sensitive, too much as it were of a gentleman, for the robuster sorts of evangelism. Such delicacy had been a stumbling-block to him all through professional life.

Soon I shall go home to see my mother and my father and my dear good and sweet little sister. I hope you will come to Alabama to visit me and I will take you to ride in my little cart and I think you will like to see me on my dear little pony's back. I shall wear my lovely cap and my new riding dress. If the sun shines brightly I will take you to see Leila and Eva and Bessie.

Leila and Majnun, Romeo and Juliet, Petrarch and Laura repeat what names we may of famous lovers that the fancies of poets have ever adored by the Tigris, or the Avon, or in the shadows of Vaucluse, the names of Swift and Stella are found to appeal no less keenly to heart and brain, to the imagination and to pity. Happy they were not, and could not be.

If Leila heard she neither turned nor made sign of comprehension. "We will dine at the Santa Regina," he said to Sylvia. "Agatha is there and I'll find somebody at the club to " "Why bother to find anybody?" said Leila, wheeling on him, exasperated. "Why not dine there with Agatha alone? It will not be the first time I fancy!" "What do you mean?" he said fiercely, under his breath.

He gazed in silence, upon the kneeling maiden; nor was it until she rose that he made his presence audible. "Ah, fairest!" said he, then, as he attempted to take her hand, "thou wilt not answer my letters see me, then, at thy feet. It is thou who teachest me to kneel." "You, prince." said Leila, agitated, and in great and evident fear. "Why harass and insult me thus?

"You may. And I'll help myself to a word or two with you," retorted Mortimer, following Plank out of the room, down the stairs to the lighted reception-room, where they wheeled, confronting one another. "What is the matter?" demanded Plank. "At the club they told me you were asleep in the card-room. I didn't tell Leila. What is wrong?" "I'm I'm dead broke," said Mortimer harshly.

"I'm going to make Leila a green one and fill it with pistachio bars and green and white candies. On top I'll put a green and gold lace pin I bought yesterday in Hamilton. I'll make Vera a pale pink one and fill it with French bon-bons. I shall give her a very beautiful string of coral beads that Captain gave me long ago.