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'Oh, really! said Alice, a little embarrassed; for she knew it must have been with the Lawlers that he had been staying. At the end of a long silence she said: 'I am afraid you have chosen a rather unfortunate time for visiting Ireland. All these terrible outrages, murders, refusals to pay rent; I wonder you have not been frightened away.

'Yes, yes, dear; but why was Olive angry at hearing that Captain Hibbert went out shooting with the Lawlers? 'Because, it appears, she had previously forbidden him to go there, you know, on account of Mrs. Lawler. 'And what happened then? 'Well, that's the worst of it.

He loved her to distraction; and the next day she had received a long letter, full of references to his colonel, explaining how entirely against his will and desire he had been forced to accept the invitation to go and shoot at the Lawlers'. Alice listened quietly; as if she doubted whether Captain Hibbert would have died of consumption or heartache if Olive had acted otherwise, and then advised her sister quietly; and, convinced that her duty was to tell her mother everything, she waited for an occasion to speak.

He laughed when she caught her breath; when he noted that she recognized the name. "I reckoned you'd know me, when I told you," he said. "Luke Lawler knowed me an' your son knows me! I've never had no love for the Lawler breed, an' I ain't changed any. But there's a lot of things that I'm squarin' up for! "This is my night; I've been waitin' for it!" he gloated. "I'm cleanin' up on the Lawlers!

Numerous parties were camped at Lawlers, with some two hundred horses turned out in the bush, waiting until rain should fall. Though with no better feed than grass, dry and withered, the freedom from work had made them skittish.

'We'd have got her upstairs between us, and then we might have told any story we liked about her illness. 'But the Lawlers' gamekeeper would know all about it. 'Ah, yes, that's true. I never heard of anything so unfortunate in my life.

I don't think she cares more about Captain Hibbert than anyone else; she was only a little piqued, you know the surprise, and she particularly dislikes the Lawlers. Of course, it is very unpleasant for us to live so near without being able to visit them. 'Yes, I understand. I am very sorry. Do you know where she is gone? I shouldn't like to go away without seeing her.

'He is shooting to-day at the Lawlers', said Violet. 'That I'm sure he's not, said Olive, with a triumphant toss of her fair head; 'for I forbade him to go there. Violet smiled, and Olive insisted on an explanation being given. 'Well, exclaimed the girl, more bluntly than she had yet spoken, 'because as we were coming here we saw him walking along one of the covers.

Not wishing to follow the road in its many turns from water to water, I cut through the bush for some fifty miles. The first part was over hard, stony ground, then came sand, then more stones, and then I struck the road again about two miles from Lawlers. I stayed there two or three days, intending to return on my tracks.

To cut this creek was my object, and, by following its course, to find the pool, and there make a base from which to investigate the truth of the rumour. Leaving Lawlers February 7th we struck an arm of the lake on the 10th the country traversed being mostly sand plain, timbered with desert-gum.