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I didn't mind the want o' garments in that way, but I kud a eat more o' it. I soon struck a town of sand rats, and I made snares of my hair, and trapped some on 'em, but they grow shy, too, cuss 'em, and I had to give up that claim. This war the third day, and I wur gettin' powerful weak. I 'gin to think this child's time had come, and I would have ter pass in my chips.

We spread our couches of cowhide in the midst of a green mass of tamarisk under a tall Kud tree, a bright-leaved thorn, with balls of golden gum clinging to its boughs, dry berries scattered in its shade, and armies of ants marching to and from its trunk. All slept upon the soft white sand, with arms under their hands, for our spoor across the desert was now unmistakeable.

"That wur one sukumstance in his favour. Wa'nt it?" "It wur! it wur!" "Wal, hyur's another. The Injun, 'ee see, shot his mark off o' the head. Now, this child's a-gwine to knock his'n off o' the tail. Kud yur Injun do that? Eh, boyees?" "No, no!" "Do that beat him, or do it not, then?" "It beats him!" "It does!" "Far better!" "Hooray!" vociferated several voices, amidst yells of laughter.

"How could he do otherwise? He hadn't a spark o' fire, an' nothing to make one out of." "Yur'n etarnal fool!" exclaimed Rube, turning savagely on the last speaker. "I kud make a fire if thur wa'n't a spark anywhar!" A yell of laughter followed this speech, and it was some minutes before the trapper recovered his temper sufficiently to resume his narration.

If they cross as they oughter, they needn't make much sign. I kud take a train o' Bent's waggons over, that 'ud puzzle deaf Smith to foller 'em. I kud." "I will send a man off instantly. Here, Sanchez! you have a good horse, and know the ground. It is not over twenty miles to where they are cached. Bring them along the ridge, and with caution, as you have heard.

"But for their bein' thear I could say for sartin a ship had been here." "Must a' been!" asserted Snowball. "If no', how you count for de presence ob de flag and de hapoons?" "Ah!" answered the sailor, with something like a sigh; "they kud a' got thear, without the men as throwed 'em bein' anywhere near this. You know nothin' o' whalin', Snowy." This speech put Snowball in a quandary.

"No," exclaimed another, "thar's too few o' them for Dacoma's men. Thar ain't over a hundred." "Maybe the flood tuk the rest," suggested the first speaker. "Wagh! how could they 'a missed our trail, that's as plain as a waggon track? 'Tain't them nohow." "Who then? It's Navagh. I kud tell thar yelp if I wur sleepin'." "Them's head chief's niggurs," said Rube, at this moment riding forward.

"Stranger!" said Holt, turning to me, and frankly extending his hand, "I've much to be ashamed o', an' much to thank ye for; but I accept yur kind offer. You bought the land, an' I'd return ye the money, ef 't hedn't been all spent. I thort I kud a made up for it, by gieing ye somethin' ye mout a liked better. Now I see I can't even gi' ye that somethin' since it appears to be yourn a'ready.

If we kin oncest git through the thick o' 'em, we mout make the brush, an' creep under it to the big caves on t'other side. Them caves jines one another, an' we mout dodge them thur. I seed the time this 'coon kud 'a run a bit, but these hyur jeints ain't as soople as they wur oncest. We kin try neverthemless; an' mind, young fellur, it's our only chance: do 'ee hear?"

But not all in silence; for turning his eyes north-eastward, and seeing there a snow-covered mountain a grand cone, towering thousands of feet above all the others Seagriff plucks off his hat, and, waving it around his head, sends up a joyous huzza, cries out, "Now I know whar we are better 'n a hul ship full o' kompa an' kernometors kud tell us. Yon's Sarmiento!"