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'Go to Jehannum and abide there with thy reputationless aunt! Kim snarled over his shoulder. 'I am all alone in this land; I know not where I go nor what shall befall me. My heart was in that letter I sent thee. Except for Mahbub Ali, and he is a Pathan, I have no friend save thee, Holy One. Do not altogether go away. 'I have considered that also, the lama replied, in a shaking voice.

The lama was mildly surprised that anyone should object to the knife-edged breezes which had cut the years off his shoulders. 'These are but the lower hills, chela. There is no cold till we come to the true Hills. 'Air and water are good, and the people are devout enough, but the food is very bad, Kim growled; 'and we walk as though we were mad or English. It freezes at night, too.

'A certain astrologer of that city whose name I have forgotten 'That is no more than the city of Umballa where we slept last night, Kim whispered to the priest. 'Ay, Umballa was it? He cast a horoscope and declared that my chela should find his desire within two days. But what said he of the meaning of the stars, Friend of all the World?

The Allies gained nothing but debts debts and empty honor which leaves them so exhausted that they can be no real factor in the world's politics for decades to come and there lies the key. Arriving in Berlin I made my way to my quarters in the Mittelstrasse. It was about eight o'clock when I put my key in the door. I found Kim very much awake and somewhat excited.

That might be, but it was certain young Martin had not been blown half across the forecourt of a Patiala palace by an explosion of fireworks; nor had he... Kim fell to telling himself the story of his own adventures through the last three months. He could paralyse St Xavier's even the biggest boys who shaved with the recital, were that permitted. But it was, of course, out of the question.

On no account was Kim to part with them, for they belonged to a great piece of magic such magic as men practised over yonder behind the Museum, in the big blue-and-white Jadoo-Gher the Magic House, as we name the Masonic Lodge. It would, he said, all come right some day, and Kim's horn would be exalted between pillars monstrous pillars of beauty and strength.

'Now, said Kim, picking his teeth, 'we will return to that place; but thou, O Holy One, must wait a little way off, because thy feet are heavier than mine and I am anxious to see more of that Red Bull. 'But how canst thou understand the talk? Walk slowly. The road is dark, the lama replied uneasily. Kim put the question aside.

The child slipped the paper over the winking jewels and scribbled in a native account-book. 'There are under that paper five blue stones one big, one smaller, and three small, said Kim, all in haste. 'There are four green stones, and one with a hole in it; there is one yellow stone that I can see through, and one like a pipe-stem.

About the same hour Kim heard soft feet in Mahbub's deserted stall. The horse-trader, curiously enough, had left his door unlocked, and his men were busy celebrating their return to India with a whole sheep of Mahbub's bounty.

Sir Banas, he comes in the night and makes them all alive at the back of our kitchen-midden, piped the child. 'And so thou art not frightened at anything. Eh, Prince? 'I was frightened because my father was frightened. I felt his arms shake. 'Oh, chicken-man! said Kim, and even the abashed Jat laughed. 'I have done a healing on this poor trader.