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But now he was playing for larger things the sheer excitement and the sense of power. He drew a new breath and went on. 'Old man, give me a sign. Do underlings order the goings of eight thousand redcoats with guns? 'No. Still the old man answered as though Kim were an equal. 'Dost thou know who He is, then, that gives the order? 'I have seen Him. 'To know again? 'A tall man.

I have urgent private business here by the roadside. He slipped out noiselessly as a cat, on the Umballa road, hailed a passing cart and jingled away, while Kim, tongue-tied, twiddled the brass betel-box in his hands. The record of a boy's education interests few save his parents, and, as you know, Kim was an orphan.

Kim flinched under the leather, and, rolling sideways, brought down the Chaplain, who, ever a man of action, caught him by the throat and nearly choked the life out of him. Kim then kicked him desperately in the stomach. Mr Bennett gasped and doubled up, but without relaxing his grip, rolled over again, and silently hauled Kim to his own tent.

A pony ranged alongside, and he was hauled on to the priest's saddlebow. 'Now, my son, your prophecy of last night has come true. Our orders are to entrain at Umballa for the Front tomorrow. 'What is thatt? said Kim, for 'front' and 'entrain' were newish words to him. 'We are going to "thee War," as you called it. 'Of course you are going to thee War. I said last night.

The men made no motion to divide the plunder till they had seen the lama bedded down in the best room of the place, with Kim shampooing his feet, Mohammedan-fashion. 'We will send food, said the Ao-chung man, 'and the red-topped kilta. By dawn there will be none to give evidence, one way or the other. If anything is not needed in the kilta see here!

Hst! We will ask his chela. The Ao-chung man refreshed himself, and swelled with pride of leadership. 'We have here, he whispered, 'a kilta whose nature we do not know. 'But I do, said Kim cautiously. The lama drew breath in natural, easy sleep, and Kim had been thinking of Hurree's last words. As a player of the Great Game, he was disposed just then to reverence the Babu.

There are two red stones, and and I made the count fifteen, but two I have forgotten. No! Give me time. One was of ivory, little and brownish; and and give me time... 'One two' Lurgan Sahib counted him out up to ten. Kim shook his head. 'Hear my count! the child burst in, trilling with laughter. 'First, are two flawed sapphires one of two ruttees and one of four as I should judge.

Swiftly Kim took up the money; but for all his training, he was Irish enough by birth to reckon silver the least part of any game. What he desired was the visible effect of action; so, instead of slinking away, he lay close in the grass and wormed nearer to the house.

But thou didst write "bay mare" to me. 'Who cares to tell truth to a letter-writer? Kim answered, feeling Mahbub's palm on his heart. 'Hi! Mahbub, you old villain, pull up! cried a voice, and an Englishman raced alongside on a little polo-pony. 'I've been chasing you half over the country. That Kabuli of yours can go. For sale, I suppose?

This is particularly dangerous. 'By Jove! Kim was thinking hard in English. 'This is dam'-tight place, but I think it is self-defence. He felt in his bosom for Mahbub's gift, and uncertainly save for a few practice shots in the Bikanir desert, he had never used the little gun pulled the trigger. 'What did I say, sar! The Babu seemed to be in tears. 'Come down here and assist to resuscitate.