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The worst of it is, that it is zeal without understanding, and profits them but little; yet light is light, even that poor portion that may stream through a key-hole, and I welcome this most ignorant profession of religion in Mr. 's dependents, as the herald of better and brighter things for them.

When Nan came she wished to join the Club, and caused great excitement and division among the gentlemen by presenting endless petitions, both written and spoken, disturbing their solemnities by insulting them through the key-hole, performing vigorous solos on the door, and writing up derisive remarks on walls and fences, for she belonged to the "Irrepressibles."

For as the system is warmer during sleep, as above explained, if a current of cold air affects any part of the body, a torpor of that part is more effectually produced, as when a cold blast of air through a key-hole or casement falls upon a person in a warm room.

No answer. He tried to open it, but found that he had been forestalled. After threatening to talk business through the key-hole, the door was unlocked, and Old Tom appeared. 'So! now you're dogging me into the country. Be off; make an appointment. Saturday's my holiday. You know that.

Putting her lips to the key-hole, she said, in a low, appealing tone: "Oh! can you speak English, French, or German? Pray answer me." She thought she had never heard sweeter music than when the clear, gentle voice of a woman replied: "I can speak English, but no other language." "Oh! I am so glad!" almost sobbed Mona. "Please put your ear close to the key-hole, and let me tell you something.

The mistake in my father, was in attacking my mother's motive, instead of the act itself; for certainly key-holes were made for other purposes; and considering the act, as an act which interfered with a true proposition, and denied a key-hole to be what it was it became a violation of nature; and was so far, you see, criminal.

Towards evening, when I felt assured that all his performances and rituals must be over, I went up to his room and knocked at the door; but no answer. I tried to open it, but it was fastened inside. "Queequeg," said I softly through the key-hole: all silent. "I say, Queequeg! why don't you speak? It's I Ishmael." But all remained still as before. I began to grow alarmed.

"Keep your presence of mind," she urged; was it then, some frightful mental ordeal he was about to pass through? Presently they came to a door. Thorndyke heard his guide feeling for the bolt and key-hole. The rattling of the keys sounded like a ghostly threat in the empty corridors. The air was as damp as a fog, and the stones were cold and slimy.

"O then! if she is no older than that, I should think she'd be in the preserve-closet, if she knew where it was," and the boy pointed to a great door, barred and locked, where the dwarf, who had a very sweet tooth, kept all his preserves locked up tight and fast. Zamcar stooped and looked through the key-hole of this door, and there, sure enough, was the Princess!

She spoke again and it seemed as though her mouth was close up to the key-hole. She spoke lower than he had ever heard her speak before, so low that he had to put his ear up to the lock to hear her. "I don't want him either, Canute, I'd rather have you." For a moment she heard no noise at all, then something like a groan.