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If we are to credit our people, some of the young women are great jilts, and very expert in wheedling them out of iron and other property, under pretence of admitting them into their favour, and then running away, with a laugh at their credulity. Mr. Jeffery witnessed the following ludicrous occurrence.

"When a heartless girl jilts the fellow she is engaged to in order to sell herself to an elderly beast, I think she deserves all she gets. This one did not get half enough; indeed, she has made a good thing of it better than she expected." His brother sat down again before he answered in a constrained voice, "Don't you think you are rather hard on her, Eustace?" "Hard on her? No, not a bit of it.

The refusing such numbers of men, and some such as by the world were called good offers, soon got them the name of jilts; and by that means they were freed from any farther importunity, and for some years enjoyed that peace and quiet they had long wished. Their aunt, from being their mother and their guardian, was now become their friend.

For instance, a little man, muffled in a gray cloak, and accompanied by a single servant, often steals out on a dark evening from a secret door of the Tuileries, enters a closed carriage, and drives off to Signora G . This little man is yourself, and yet this fanciful songstress jilts you continually for Rode the fiddler. The Consul answered not a word; he turned his back, rang, and immediately withdrew."

If my lady did not speak of her griefs to Harry Esmond, my lord was by no means reserved when in his cups, and spoke his mind very freely, bidding Harry in his coarse way, and with his blunt language, beware of all women as cheats, jades, jilts, and using other unmistakable monosyllables in speaking of them.

"Sometimes a man gets sort of peeved wants to marry a girl that jilts him more'n if she hadn't. And you certainly jilted him at the church door, if there'd been any church there. It was an awful thing, Molly. I don't know as I see how Sam stood it long as he did." "Haven't I paid for it, mother?" "Why, yes, one way of speaking. But that ain't the way men are going to call theirselves paid.

And she had not told a lie either. Her words were true; she would make them true. All the Adams determination and that was not a little was roused in her. "If Jed jilts me, he'll do it to my face, clean and clever," she said viciously. When Jed came again he was very solemn. He thought it would be his last visit, but Mattie felt differently.

A letter, to be plain, in which he not only jilts you pardon the word; I would summon to your aid your pride and dignity not only jilts you, I fear, in favour of the object whose slighting treatment first inspired his brief passion for yourself and gave it birth in wounded vanity, but affects to make a merit and a virtue of the act.

A curious phrase current in Devonshire for a young lady who jilts a man is, "She has given him turnips;" and an expressive one for those persons who in spite of every kindness are the very reverse themselves is this: "Though you stroke the nettle ever so kindly, yet it will sting you;" With which may be compared a similar proverb equally suggestive:

So, she jilts me, and I get a pistol, or I get a neat bit of rope, or I take a clean header with a cannon-ball at my heels, or I go to the chemist's and ask for stuff to poison rats, anything a fool'd do under the circumstances, it don't matter what." Old Anthony waited for Rhoda to jump over a stile, and said to her, "He laughs at the whole lot of ye." "Who?" she asked, with betraying cheeks.