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When a lord is in distress, consolation is never long in coming; and Lord Scamperdale had hardly got over the first paroxysms of grief, and gathered up Jack's cap, and the fragments of his spectacles, ere Jawleyford, who had noticed his abrupt departure from the stand and scurry across the country, arrived at the spot.

'Yes, it's a handsome thing in its way, assented Jawleyford; 'better if it had been water-tight, perhaps, added he, as a big drop splashed upon the crown of his head. 'The contents must be very valuable, observed Sponge. 'Very valuable, replied Jawleyford. 'There's a thing I gave two hundred and fifty guineas for that vase.

'Why, as to that haw, replied Sponge, stretching out his arms and legs to their fullest extent, and yawning most vigorously 'why, as to that, I can hardly say which you would call my country, for I have to do with so many; but I should say, of all the countries I am haw connected with haw Tom Scratch's is the worst. Mr. Jawleyford looked at Mrs.

'Faith, I don't see that he wants anything of the sort, retorted Jawleyford, nettled as well at the smoke as the observation. 'Well, where "ignorance is bliss," &c., replied Sponge, with another great puff, which nearly blinded Jawleyford. 'Get on, and let's see how he goes, added he, passing on to the piebald as he spoke. Mr.

'Deuced fine girls, said he, 'both of 'em: wonder what he'll give 'em down? recurring to his over-night speculations, and hitting upon the point at which he had burnt his lips with the end of the cigar namely, Jawleyford's youth, and the possibility of his marrying again if Mrs. Jawleyford were to die.

Indeed, a man whose talk was of hunting, and his reading Mogg was not likely to have much in common with a gentleman of taste and elegance, as our friend set up to be. The delicate inquiry that Mrs. Jawleyford now made, as to 'whether he knew Mr. Sponge to be a man of fortune, set him off at a tangent. 'ME know he's a man of fortune! I know nothing of his fortune.

'Well, but she'll take you to Jawleyford Court as quick as the best of them, rejoined his lordship, adding, 'the roads are wretched, and Jaw's stables are a disgrace to humanity might as well put a horse in a cellar.

'Let me have a candle, said Jack, preparing to follow. 'Candle, my dear fellow! why, it's broad daylight, replied his host. 'Is it? said Jack, apparently unconscious of the fact. 'What's the hour? 'Five minutes to eight, replied Jawleyford, looking at a timepiece.

'Yes, me lord, replied Bags, looking at Jack supping up the fat porridge, and wondering how the lie would go down with Harry, who was then discussing his master's merits and a horn of small beer with the lad who was going to drive Jack. Jawleyford Court was twenty miles from Woodmansterne as the crow flies, and any distance anybody liked to call it by the road.

As he sauntered along, musing on the mishaps of the chase, wondering how Miss Jawleyford would look, and playing himself an occasional tune with his spur against his stirrup, who should come trotting behind him but Mr. Leather on the redoubtable chestnut? Mr. Sponge beckoned him alongside.