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The Grand Inquisitor rang a bell; the jailors entered, and Amine was led back to her dungeon. "Why should they ask so often about my money?" mused Amine; "if they require it, they may take it. What is their power? What would they do with me? Well, well, a few days will decide."

It was, however, full of the joy of a lightened heart. "Your heart is free, and quick with virtuous wrath to accuse Appearances; and views a criminal In innocence's shadow." The Carmelite and Gelsomina found the keepers in waiting, and when they quitted the cell its door was secured for the night. As they had no further concerns with the jailors they passed on unquestioned.

Judson was absent when her husband was removed, and when she returned and found him gone she feared that what she had been long dreading had happened that her husband had been killed. The governor and the jailors protested, untruthfully, that they did not know what had become of him; but at last Mrs.

The prisoner seemed so overcome with emotion that, after uttering a long sigh like a death rattle, he sank, a dead weight, into the arms of his jailors. They were forced to support him. They carried him to the courtyard of the Council of War. Some, whose curiosity was aroused by the unusual pallor of the prisoner, wished to follow, but the jailors closed the great doors of the courtyard.

Fortunately, however, some delays occurred relative to the disposition that should be made of them, and they, meanwhile, effected their escape from their jailors by way of one of the prison windows, from which they managed to displace a bar, and by a skiff, in the darkness of night, crossed the Tennessee River a little below Chattanooga.

I thought of those Buddhist words of Seneca "The soul may be and is in the mass of men drugged and silenced by the seductions of sense and the deceptions of the world. But if, in some moment of detachment and elation, when its captors and jailors relax their guard, it can escape their clutches, it will seek at once the region of its birth and its true home."

Incapable of proving her innocence, and prevented from escaping, in spite of 15,000 golden crowns with which she hoped to bribe her jailors, she was finally beheaded. Thus did a vulgar and infamous Messalina, distinguished only by rare beauty, furnish Luini with a S. Catherine for this masterpiece of pious art! The thing seems scarcely credible.

All that mattered to Butler-Vinson for the moment was he had to reach his new quarters by crossing the rue Cherche-Midi between two jailors.... He would be exposed to the curious glances of the public! He shuddered at the thought!... And there was worse to come!

Sugar-loaf caps, with flames painted on them, were also brought and put on their heads, and the long wax candles were placed into their hands. Amine and the others condemned being arrayed in these dresses, remained in the chambers, for some hours before it was time for the procession to commence, for they had been all summoned up by the jailors at about two o'clock in the morning.

"No, sah; Massa Vetch t'ink de proper bufday be Friday, and he hab told all de black people dey shall get drunk Saturday, 'cos dere will be wedding in de house." There was confirmation of the suspicion my jailors' talk had bred in me. I lost no time now in imparting my plan to the negro. He gave a low groan when I had finished. "What's the matter?" I said. "Are you afraid?"