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Natalie suspected not that her splendid train, her numerous servants that all these who apparently viewed her as their sublime mistress, were really nothing more than spies and jailors, who watched her every step, her every word, her every glance. Poor child, she suspected nothing!

But I have never seen a plan for keeping in order these resorts of guilt and misery, without presupposing a superintendence of a kind which might perhaps be exercised, could we turn out upon the watch a guard of angels. But, alas! jailors and turnkeys are rather like angels of a different livery, nor do I see how it is possible to render them otherwise.

It was here the band of spies and traitors, of which he seemed chief, disguised themselves, issuing forth to ply their nefarious trade and mock the police. Juve made a compact with himself. "As soon as I have handed my corporal over to the military jailors, I know where I shall go to smoke a cigarette!" "You are alone, Wilhelmine?"

His experience with British prisons and transport-ships was long; and against his jailors he brings shocking charges of brutality, cruelty, and negligence. The Yankee seamen who were captured during the war were first consigned to receiving-prisons at the British naval stations in America.

A place where thirteen thousand Union soldiers, became victims to the vindictiveness of their captors no not their captors but their jailors for the soldier, whether federal or confederate, who had the courage to risk his life in the field where prisoners were captured, possessed too great a sense of honor to treat with such heartless cruelty, those who so gallantly opposed them.

"A toast so cunningly devised that our poor fellows in the Provost below, and on that floating hell, the 'Jersey, may offer it boldly and unrebuked in the very teeth of their jailors! Lord! But that would be a rare bit o' verse if it could be accomplished," he added dubiously. Lois stood there smiling, thinking, the tint of excitement still brilliant in her cheeks.

Peers and playactors, judges and jailors, archbishops, tailors, attorneys, ropemakers and apothecaries, all uniting in the festive delight of good feeding, and drinking the "glorious memory" but of whom half the company knew not, only surmising "it was something agin the papists." You may smile, but these were pleasant times, and I scarcely care to go back there since they were changed.

He may be a minstrel and make melody, you know, with some other instrument a strange-fashioned one, peradventure, that never was seen before. God, our chief jailor, as he himself is invisible, so useth he in his punishments invisible instruments. And therefore are they not of like fashion as those the other jailors use, but yet of like effect, and as painful in feeling as those.

Spain had eleven thousand convents, more than a hundred thousand friars, and forty thousand nuns, and to these must be added seventy-eight thousand priests and the innumerable servitors and dependents of the Church, such as alguaciles, familiars, jailors, and notaries of the Inquisition, sacristans, stewards, buleros, convent door-porters, choristers, singers, lay brothers, novices and I know not how many other people.

And the proof of how poignantly men have always felt this lies in the fact that the headsman and the hangman, the jailors and the torturers, were always regarded not merely with fear but with contempt; while all kinds of careless smiters, bankrupt knights and swashbucklers and outlaws, were regarded with indulgence or even admiration. To kill a man lawlessly was pardoned.